Because sail boats generally sit lower in the water and have less glass than power boats, they tend to produce more duct condensation than the power boat, however, space restraints may not allow the total use of insulated duct and you may need to use a combination of the two duct types. Some situations will require the use of non-insulated duct, but will require insulating the duct after the installation with a insulation wrap. All duct runs should be as short and straight as possible. Every 90
UWAGA: Arodki wymienione poni.ej moga spowodowac uszkodzenie kinseskopu: benzen, rozcie.czalniki, detergenty kwasowe/alkaliczne, detergenty alkoholowe, detergenty z zawartoEcia proszku, detergenty z zawartoEcia Erodka antystatycznego, detergenty czyszczace. • Nale.y ustawic jasnoEc i kontrast monitora w celu uzyskania optymalnej widzialnoEci. • Uchwyty na dokumenty nale.y ustawiac blisko ekranu. • To, na co patrzy si. najcz.Eciej (ekran lub dokumenty), powinno znajdowac si. na wprost oczu w celu
Communication-Port PCMCIA-Slot for CI-Modules Internal hard disk connector Compact Flash Slot Graphical LC-Display Pluggable Twin Tuner support 2 Smartcard Readers Linux OS U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 7 0 2 5 english U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 7 0 2 5 english Table of contents 1. Before initial operation of the receiver 1.1 Safety instructions ......................................................................- 5 - 1.2 Packaging contents ..............................
A brief explanation of each of their function is provided here. / N * To use the maintenance tool via G-50 (Network), license registration for the G-50 to be used is necessary. Purchasing the license No. for each G-50 to be used, conduct the license registration through the Web browser (address of the G-50A]/ administrator.html). After selecting "Maintenance tool" of the optional function on the Web Browser Screen displayed, enter the purchased license No.. For the detail of the license regis
Вы можете постоянно принимать и отсылать е-mail, просматривать i-mode сайты и загружать изображения и 32-х тональные мелодии для вашего телефона. Наличие доступа к i-mode зависит от сети. Для возможности использования i-mode на вашем телефоне должен быть активирован GPRS. User interface (Интерфейс пользователя) При навигации по меню i-mode учтите, что клавиши вверх © , вниз ^2^. влево и вправо ^ позволяют вызывать дополнительные функции или поля для заполнения , а также вызвать функцию подтв
[Refer to 5.2 Operation Status Monitor Data.! (1)[Operation Button] [Operation control] will not be displayed. Click on [Return] to end the operation status monitor and return to the Main Screen.[Refer to 3.7.1(8)] (2)[Menu Bar] [Return] , [Print] , [Graph] and [Help] are displayed on the menu bar. Neither [Graph] nor [Ref.] may be used. Other menus are same as that of other units. 32 3 Introduction to the screen Display Contents 123456789A SW1-oioooooooo SW2-000000 SW3-oooooo
H HHV VVA AAC CC D DDI IIV VVI IIS SSI IIO OON NN 3 331 110 000 00 A AAV VVA AAL LLO OON NN R RRI IID DDG GGE EE P PPL LL. .. S SST TTE EE. .. 2 220 000 00, ,,N NNO OOR RRC CCR RRO OOS SSS SS, ,, G GGA AA 3 330 000 007 771 11 C CCA AAL LLL LL: :: 7 777 770 00-6 661 113 33-5 558 884 440 00 O OOR RR 8 880 000 00-4 443 333 33-4 448 882 222 22 ( ((P PPR RRE EES SSS SS 3 33) )), ,, F FFA AAX XX: :: 8 880 000 00-8 888 889 99-9 999 990 004 44 DUCTLESS AIR CONDITIONERS AND HEAT PUMPS Mr.Slim® Mr. Slim s
Fuze Size (time delay) A 15 15 15 15 20 25 25 25 Min. Ampacity 3 3 3 3 12 15 15 17 Fan Motor F.L.A. 1.8 1.8 2.1 2.4 0.7 0.7 1.3 1.3 Auxiliary Heater A (kW) — — — — 8.4(1.9) 10.8(2.5) 12(2.8) 12(2.8) Airflow Hi-Lo Dry CFM 1,050-850 1,050-850 1,270-990 1,270-990 920-740 920-740 1,270-990 1,270-990 Wet CFM 900-730 900-730 1,100-860 1,100-860 830-670 830-670 1,100-860 1,100-860 Moisture Removal Pints/h 7.2 9.6 11.1 12.6 7.0 9.1 10.9 12.3 Sound Pressure Level Hi-Lo dB(A) 50-43 50-43 52-44 52-44 50-43
They connect simply through a single three-to-four inch opening in the wall or ceiling. No ductwork or remodeling is necessary. As many as ten units can be installed in a row for major space savings. Outdoor units are designed with a front- access service panel that provides easy access to all maintenance points. These units operate in outdoor temperatures as low as zero degrees fahrenheit when the optional wind baffle is installed. So you can cool spaces such as computer rooms year round. Mr. S
Slim’s streamlined design makes indoor units adaptable to an almost infinite variety of room configurations. They’re simple to mount, and they require a minimum of wiring. Naturally they’re not only efficient but also whisper-quiet. You’ll hardly hear them running. Refrigerant lines may be connected to the outdoor unit from the front, rear, or side or PCH24EK PCH24EK Cooling capacity: 24,000 BTU/h SEER: 10.3 Heating capacity: 27,000 BTU/h (33,500 w/ aux. booster heat) HSPF: 7.1 Dimensions: W:50-