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Fundex Games Mancala

Скачали: 0Размер: 58 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

of Players: 2 EQUIPMENT: " Mancala" Game Board, 48 "stones" OBJECT: Collect as many stones in your Mancala as possible. SET UP: Place on playing surface and place 4 stones in each of the bins numbered 1 through 12. PLAY: Player A's bins are those numbered 1-6. Player B's bins are those numbered 7-12. Decide which player will play first by the flip of a coin. The first player then picks up all of the stones in one of the bins on their side of the board. (For example, Player "A would pick up t

Fundex Games Family Game Classics Chess & Checkers

Скачали: 1Размер: 70 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

If he is unable to make any of the above moves, the king is said to be checkmated and the game ends is favor of the opponent. CASTLING: Castling is a compound move of the king and one rook (formally called ‘castle) that may be made, if at all, only once in a game. It is legal if neither the king nor the rook has yet moved. If all the squares between them on the rank are vacant, and no adverse piece commands two squares nearest the king on the side on which castling is to be carried out, and if

Fundex Games Hangman

Скачали: 2Размер: 75 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

Lay out all the bones of the skeleton. Give each player a note pad, Hangman shield, and a pen or pencil. Decide the number of rounds to play in the game (it should be an even number). Play: Determine which player chooses a word first. This player selects a secret word or phrase and writes it down on a piece of paper hidden by the Hangman shield, so the other player cannot see it. Then, on another piece of paper the player who chose the secret word writes down blank lines for each letter of the

Fundex Games 10 Game Set

Скачали: 16Размер: 185 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

Usually, several games are played, with the winner of each game earning points–the first to reach a score of 10 points wins the match. Set-up: 15 black tokens, 15 white tokens. Players choose to be the black or white and then set up the game board as shown below. The game tokens in backgammon are referred to as “stones.” Each player rolls a die to determine who has the first move, ties are rerolled. The player with the highest number will begin the game by using the two high numbers of the dice

Fundex Games 3827-00

Скачали: 0Размер: 879 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

ln the event of an odd number of players, the additional player spins the timer, rolls the die and reads the catagory. • Pick a player to take a card, roll the die, and read aloud the category matching the number rolled. • At the same time, another player starts the electronic timer by pressing the center button. • Everyone begins to draw things that fit the called out category, one drawing in each box on the left side of the Sketchy paper. • You may not use numbers or letters in any drawing

Fundex Games 10 in 1 Game Chest 5392

Скачали: 0Размер: 259 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

Players may not touch the beads to count them and once touching the beads, the player must play them. Winning: Play ends when one player’s six bins are empty. The other player then places all remaining beads from her side of the board into her Mancala. Players then count the number of beads in their Mancalas. The player with the most beads is the winner. PACHISI Players: 2-4 Equipment: “Pachisi” Game Board, 16 Tokens (4 each red, blue, green, yellow) and pair of dice Object: Be the first player

Fundex Games Cribbage

Скачали: 3Размер: 92 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

Cribbage Board: When there are four game holes, the players usually put their pegs in them for the start of play. A player marks his score by moving his pegs first along his outer row and then back along his inner row of holes. Moving Pegs: Both pegs are used to score in the following way: A. a player marks his first score by moving one peg that number of holes from the start B. his second score is marked by placing his second peg that number of holes beyond his first peg; SIX-CARD CRIBBAGE Obje

Fundex Games Sybarit

Скачали: 0Размер: 900 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

And much of this is based on knowledge of food, drink and social conventions. It is also about being able to converse intelligently and appropriately at the dinner table. This game provides a fantastic opportunity for you to broaden your horizons about the life of luxury in a light-hearted, yet almost sybaritic manner. CONTENTS 300 Cards with 2400 Questions and Answers, 2 Decks of Sybarit Playing Cards, Score Pad, Pencil VBnRI FOR 2 TO 8 ADULTS, SEEKING THE FINE MOMENTS IN LIFE. Set Up •

Fundex Games A To Z Electronic

Скачали: 0Размер: 114 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

• The Category light will illuminate with lights and sounds. The Game Unit will randomly light a number to designate a Category. • An opposing player should take the top card of the deck and read aloud the category that corresponds with the lit number. Press the same number to start the timer. All of your letters will light up. You have 30 seconds. Push up on tab and lift up to access the Card Deck Compartment. Stores 56 cards and instructions. The game that covers everything from A to Z! Batter

Fundex Games Family Game Classics 2620

Скачали: 1Размер: 63 kb    Производитель: Fundex Games  
Категория: Детские игрушки

Using the black and red tokens, each player places four tokens on the first three rows nearest him or black squares i.e.. 12 tokens per player. Black always starts, and play is only on the black squares. GAME PLAY: A token moves diagonally one square at a time, forward-not backward. If a token reaches the far side of the board it becomes a king (stack two playing pieces to indicate a king) and can now move diagonally in any direction. A token may also “leap-frog” over another token if there is
