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9. Changing the Calibration Gas – FMA 3400/3400ST Series Only The FMA 3400/3400ST Series may be calibrated for up to three gases. These gases, their corresponding flow ranges and accuracy specifications are detailed on the calibration certificate. The calibration gas required is determined by selecting the corresponding dip switch on the front panel of the display. M-4271/0707, pg. 17 of 26 FMA 3400/3400ST Series Dip Switches Dip switch 4 is allocated to the primary calibration gas. Dip switch 5

Page : 4 The common features for all series are the following: MECHANICAL.-Housed in a rugged extruded aluminium profile housing for panel mounting or free standing. Finished in anodized black colour. The frontal lens is mounted with a special rubber profile which provides the front part of the unit with an IP-65 protection. CONTROL SIGNALS .-Three inputs, sharing one common return. The operating mode depends on interlinking of the three control lines CONNECTIONS.-For output alarm are made using

An OMEGA Te c h n o lo g ie s Co m p a n y DP18 Series Model DP18-RT1 True RMS Ammeter .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

B. Principle of Operation Fluid flows through the meter, first passing through a helical nozzle, which causes flow to spiral, rotating in a helical pattern. The spiraling fluid then impacts on the flat blade rotor causing the rotor to spin. The rotor is designed to immediately develop a rotation-induced friction free fluid bearing, thus eliminating any potential bearing wear. An infrared electro-optical transmitter and receiver is molded into the body of the meter along with a pair of miniature

This allows the user to “Tare- Out” a starting weight in hydraulic weighing applications. To remove the Tare feature turn the unit off and back on again and do not push the On/Off button during the flashing period. 3. Battery Replacement (9 Volt Type) The battery can be replaced simply by removing the single screw at the top of the battery door. Remove the old battery, unplug the cable connector and replace with Eveready type 216 or equivalent. Replace the battery door and secure with the self-t

If “ON/OFF” was selected in the Control Type, the display skips to the Dead Band Submenu. AUTO PID SUBMENU: Press d 21) Display flashes ENBL or DSBL. Press b 22) Scroll through the available selections: “Enable” or “Disable”. Press d 23) Display shows STRD stored message momentarily and then advances to ANTL only, if it was changed, otherwise press a to advance to ANTL Anti Integral Submenu. If “Enabled”, the controller can determine, by enabling Start PID, the optimum values for the three adjus

M-4271/0707, pg. 6 of 26 2. Mounting the Flow Controller. The FMA 3200/3400 Series controllers have no particular orientation or installation requirements so may be mounted in any convenient position. It is recommended that units be fixed to a suitable substrate using the two 4-40 mounting holes provided. Mounting View from Bottom (mounting hardware not includedwith sensor) 3. Tubing Connections All tubing must be clean, dry and purged with clean dry air before installation of the FLO-CONTROLLER

Box 4047 ISO 9001 Certified Stamford, CT 06907-0047 TEL: (203) 359-1660 FAX: (203) 359-7700 e-mail: info@omega.com Canada: 976 Bergar Laval (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada TEL: (514) 856-6928 FAX: (514) 856-6886 e-mail: info@omega.ca For immediate technical or application assistance: U.S.A. and Canada: Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342 / 1-800-TC-OMEGA® Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378 / 1-800-622-BEST® Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436 / 1-800-USA-WHEN® TELEX: 996404 EASYLINK: 62968934 CABLE: OMEGA Mexi

Turn gauge off when not in use to conserve battery life. Basic Configuration Engineering Unit Selection Engineering unit selection is done via internal buttons to help prevent accidental or unauthorized changes. The selected engineering unit is stored in non-volatile memory and will be retained even with the gauge off or batteries removed. The available engineering units depend on the sensor range and available display resolution. Compound (inHg/PSIG) gauges must be changed to display single- un