Дополнительно: устройство LaCinema Mini HD можно подключать к системе домашнего кинотеатра с помощью оптического аудиокабеля (приобретается отдельно). ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: При установке устройства LaCinema Mini HD помните, что во избежание перегрева вокруг корпуса должно оставаться достаточно места для циркуляции воздуха. B. Подключите устройство к сети ОДНИМ из указанных ниже способов: 1. Проводное подключение: подключите кабель Ethernet от маршрутизатора или концентратора к разъему Ethernet на задней п
Introduction...............................................................................................................4 1.1. Box Content.................................................................................................................................5 1.2. Minimum System Requirements......................................................................................................6 1.3. Views of the LaCie Network Space.......................................................
Minimum System Requirements.........................................................................................................8 1.1.1. Windows Users....................................................................................................................8 1.1.2. Mac Users...........................................................................................................................8 1.2. Supported Formats.................................................................
The FastKey is the perfect tool for all your portable storage needs: n Easy to use - Plug & Play n Compatible with all modern computers - USB 3.0 and USB 2.0 n Compact - 26cm3 fits on any keychain n Durable body - strong aluminum build n Large capacity - up to 120 GB n USB 3.0 speeds for Windows and Mac - Solid State Drive (SSD) Technology with a DRAM cache n Lightning fast - Up to 260MB/s n Secure encryption - Protect your most important data using Advanced Encryption Standard 256 (AES 256) Thi
Introduction.................................................................................................................5 1.1. Minimum System Requirements.......................................................................................................6 1.2. Box Content..................................................................................................................................7 1.3. Views of the Drive.................................................................
2. Подключитеосновнойразъем A кабеляUSB 2.0 (безнаклейкиссимволоммолнии) ккомпьютеру. 3. Приводготовкработе. 4. УстановитепрограммноеобеспечениедлязаписидисковсDVD-диска, входящеговкомплектпоставки. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:Привод Slim Blu-ray необходимоподключатькпорту USB 2.0. Работачерезпорт USB 1.1 негарантируется. ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ:Черезосновнойразъем A разветвленногокабеля USB 2.0 обеспечиваетсядостаточноепитаниепривода Slim Blu-ray. Разветвленныйкабель USB 2.0 такжеснабженвторымразъемом A дляобеспечениядополн
Doing so may cause interference which will adversely affect the operation of the other products. n Do not place the LaCie device near sources of magnetic interference, such as computer displays, televisions, or speakers. Magnetic interference can affect the operation and stability of your LaCie device. n Never use excessive force on your LaCie device. If you detect a problem, consult the troubleshooting section in this manual. n Protect your LaCie device from excessive exposure to dust during us
LaCie does not warrant that the operation of the product will be uninterrupted or error-free. LaCie is not responsible for damage arising from failure to follow instructions relating to the product's use. This warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, unless damage has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches, dents and broken plastic on ports; © to damage caused by use with non-LaCie products; (d) to damage caus