К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP OpenVMS Application Modernization and Integration Infrastructure Package, Version 2.2
Java Debugger and other tools
A POSIX threads (pthreads) implementation that provides increased performance on
multiprocessor systems
Flexible options for representing UNIX directory and file specifications on OpenVMS systems
For OpenVMS Alpha systems, the JDK includes the Fast VM, which is Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler
technology designed to provide optimal Java run-time performance. The Fast VM offers significant
performance advantages over the Classic JIT provided with the JDK. For OpenVMS I64, the
corresponding JIT compiler technology is the HotSpot JVM.
XML Technology
To give applications the ability to parse, generate, manipulate, validate, and transform Extensible Markup
Language (XML) documents and data, the following components are provided using open source
software from the Apache Software Foundation:
An XML parser in Java and C++
An XSLT stylesheet processor in Java and C++
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Toolkit
SOAP provides a simple, lightweight mechanism for exchanging structured and typed information
between peers in a decentralized, distributed environment. SOAP is an XML-based protocol that consists
of three parts: an envelope that defines a framework for describing the contents of a message and how to
process it, a set of encoding rules for expressing application-defined datatypes, and a convention for
representing remote procedure calls and responses. SOAP defines a simple mechanism for expressing
application semantics that allows SOAP to be used in a wide variety of systems.
The SOAP Toolkit is Java based and provides development tools to create SOAP clients or to implement
server-side SOAP accessible services that use HTTP as the transport protocol. As a client library, it
provides the ability to invoke SOAP RPC services available elsewhere, in addition to features for sending
and receiving SOAP messages. As a mechanism to write new RPC or message accessible services, it
requires a Java servlet run-time environment such as that provided by Tomcat in conjunction with the
Secure Web Server.
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Client Toolkit
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is the service discovery protocol for Web
Services. UDDI is the building block which enables businesses to quickly, easily and dynamically
discover each other, define how they interact over the Internet, and share information in a global registry
architecture. UDDI is a comprehensive, open industry initiative.
The UDDI Client Toolkit is based on the UDDI4J open source implementation and provides a Java class
library that provides an API to interact with a UDDI registry.
Web Services Integration Toolkit (WSIT)
The Web Service Integration Toolkit (WSIT) contains a collection of integration tools. These tools are
easy to use, highly extensible, based on standards, and built on open source technology. The toolkit can
be used to call OpenVMS applications written in 3GL languages, such as C, BASIC, COBOL,
FORTRAN, and ACMS from newer technologies and languages such as Java, Microsoft .NET,
Java-RMI, JMS, and Web Services.
The Web Service Integration Toolkit is focused on integrating at the application interface (API) level.
WSIT generates a JavaBean wrapper for a supplied OpenVMS API. At runtime, you can specify if the
application will be run in the process of the caller (in-process) or in separate processes (out-of-process)
managed by the WSIT runtime
Software Product Description