К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP Disk File Optimizer
SPD 55.85.15
for OpenVMS,Version 3.0
Disk Space Requirements for Defrag
DFO is a layered software product on the OpenVMS
operating system for Integrity server, Alpha, and VAX
For installation on Integrity
28,000 blocks (13.7 MB)
hardware platforms. The list of qualified processors and
hardware configurations for this version is the same as
For permanenet use on
26,000 blocks (12.7 MB)
Integrity Servers:
those qualified by OpenVMS and mentioned in the fol-
For installation on Alpha:
27,800 blocks (13.6 MB)
lowing Software Product Descriptions (SPDs).
For permanent use on Alpha:
23,900 blocks (11.7 MB)
For installation on VAX:
23,900 blocks (11.7 MB)
OpenVMS Integrity Servers:
V8.2-1 (SPD 82.35.XX)
For permanent use on VAX:
22,800 blocks (11.1 MB)
V8.3 (SPD 82.35.XX)
OpenVMS Alpha:
V7.3-2 (SPD 25.01.XX)
(1 Block=512 Bytes)
V8.2 (SPD 82.35.XX)
V8.3 (SPD 82.35.XX)
These counts refer to the disk space required on the
V7.3 (SPD 25.01.XX)
system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes
may vary depending on the user’s system environment,
Refer to the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System
configuration, and software options.
Software Product Description (SPD) for additional de-
The list of currently shipping disk and tape devices
changes frequently. Currently supported disk and tape
devices are reflected in the Supported Options Lists that
OpenVMS Integrity Servers:
V8.2-1 (SPD 82.35.XX)
can be found within the QuickSpecs at the individual
V8.3 (SPD 82.35.XX)
product WEB pages:
OpenVMS Alpha:
V7.3-2 (SPD 25.01.XX)
V8.2 (SPD 82.35.XX)
V8.3 (SPD 82.35.XX)
V7.3 (SPD 25.01.XX)
Processors Not Qualified
Refer to the appropriate OpenVMS Operating System
MicroVAX I, VAXstation I, VAX–11/725, VAX–11/782,
Software Product Description (SPD) for additional de-
VAXstation 8000
Processor Restrictions:
DFO V3.0 is supported on disks connected on the Fiber
Channel. OpenVMS Versions 7.2-2 and later provide
A minimum system configuration to run DFO includes:
support for Fiber Channel (FC) connected disk devices.
DFO V3.0 has qualified this feature in OpenVMS with
4 MB memory
HSG80 Array Controller.
One or more disk drives qualified by OpenVMS
DFO V3.0 has also been qualified with EVA controller
Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1)
to provide faster data access by reducing the number
of split I/Os.
Disk Space Requirements for Defrag PLUS
Please refer to OpenVMS documentation for a complete
For installation on Integrity
34,000 blocks (16.6 MB)
listing of supported disk devices and Operating System
For permanenet use on
32,000 blocks (15.6 MB)
Integrity Servers:
OpenVMS Tailoring
For installation on Alpha:
32,000 blocks (15.6 MB)
For permanent use on Alpha:
27,800 blocks (13.6 MB)
For OpenVMS Alpha V6.x systems, the following
For installation on VAX:
27,000 blocks (13.2 MB)
classes are required for full functionality of this layered
For permanent use on VAX:
23,700 blocks (11.6 MB)
OpenVMS Required Saveset
Programming Support
System Programming Support
Secure User’s Environment
Network Support
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Программное обеспечение - OpenVMS Alpha 7.3-2 (47.19 kb)