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HP X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 Systems, V2.0
SPD 47.37.16
HP X.25 for OpenVMS supports the following functions:
• The multi-host mode of operation provides the fea-
tures offered by VAX P.S.I. Native and also allows
• Process–to–process (HP X.25) communication.
VAX P.S.I. Access systems to connect to a PSDN as
X.25 for OpenVMS allows application programs to
though directly connected.
access X.25 network services via the standard
OpenVMS QIO system service.
• XOT or X.25 over TCP/IP allows X.25 applications
on an appropriately configured OpenVMS System to
• Process–to–terminal (X.29) communication.
communicate with other RFC 1613 implementations
Through the X.29 QIO programming interface, users
over a TCP/IP Wide Area Network.
of the OpenVMS system may make outgoing calls
to other HP or non–HP systems or suitable network
PADs accessible via a PSDN.
• Terminal–to–process (X.29) communication.
Conformance to Standards
Remote terminals connected to the PSDN may ac-
cess the OpenVMS host running X.25 by means of
HP X.25 for OpenVMS complies with the following stan-
an X.29 Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) call.
• DECnet-Plus Connectionless Network Service.
• ITU/TSS recommendations—X.25 (1980, 1984, or
The product supports the use of the DEC–HDLC
1988), X.3, X28, X.29
and X.25 protocols as sub–networks for the OSI
Connectionless–mode Network Service (CLNS).
• International standards ISO—8208, 7776, 8881,
8802/2, 8878, 8473
• DECnet-Plus Connection Oriented Network Service.
The product supports the OSI Connection Oriented
Virtual Circuits
Network Service (CONS) for OSI Transport over X.25
HP X.25 for OpenVMS offers communication over both
Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and Switched Virtual
• X.25 Mail.
Circuits (SVCs), and supports up to 4096 virtual circuits
The X.25 Mail utility allows communication across a
per system. One virtual circuit is used for each incom-
PSDN via electronic mail between two systems run-
ing or outgoing X.29 terminal connection, for each X.25
ning the Mail–11 protocol over X.25. Systems that
call, and for each DECnet-Plus routing circuit and trans-
support Mail–11 over X.25 include WAN Support for
port connection. The use of PVCs for X.29 communi-
HP UNIX®, X.25 for OpenVMS and X.25 installations
cation is not defined by the 1980 and 1984 ITU/TSS
of DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX.
recommendations, and is not available with HP X.25
• Wide Area Network (WAN) Device Drivers
for OpenVMS.
The WAN device drivers support synchronous com-
munications and offer a supported user ($QIO) in-
Virtual circuits may use X.25 protocol over a LAN con-
terface. This version also includes a pseudodriver
nection, over a WAN synchronous communications con-
(WANDRIVER) that provides a programming inter-
nection, or may use HP X.25 Client for OpenVMS Al-
face to the Data Link level for the LAPB, DEC-HDLC,
pha Systems over a DECnet circuit to a DECnet Gate-
and LLC2 protocols and an interface to the physi-
way Access Protocol (GAP) connector node. NOTE that
cal layer of the synchronous communication devices
there is no support for use of more than 512 of the avail-
supported by the product.
able virtual circuits by HP X.25 Client for OpenVMS
Alpha Systems with DECnet Gateway Access proto-
Note: This function is not applicable for X.25 for
col connector nodes. See the HARDWARE REQUIRE-
OpenVMS I64.
MENTS section for details of GAP connector nodes and
ISO relay nodes supported.
• X.25 Relay allows an appropriately configured Open-
VMS system to relay X.25 packets between a Lo-
Process–to–Process Communication
cal Area Network (LAN) and a synchronous com-
munications link to a Packet Switched Data Network
The HP X.25 for OpenVMS programming interface al-
lows application programs to access X.25 packet level
services via the standard OpenVMS QIO interface.
• X.25 GAP Server allows remote Phase V GAP clients
to connect to a PSDN via the GAP Server node using
Functions include the establishment and clearing of
the DECnet NSP protocol. The remote X.25 client (or
network connections, data transmission and reception,
access node) communicates with the X.25 Server or
sending and receiving of interrupt messages, and reset-
X.25 Gateway/Connector node using the Gateway
ting of virtual circuits. The interface also provides for the
Access Protocol (GAP) via a DECnet session con-
segmentation and recombination of messages that are
longer than the packet size selected for the circuit.