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HP Tru64 UNIX Enterprise Directory V5.6
individual attributes within a particular part of
client DUAs are supported by the
the directory (naming context).
directoryAccessAC application context (DAP
protocol). DAP enables DUAs in other X.500
The Tru64 UNIX Enterprise Directory allows
implementations to access the Tru64 UNIX
for the authentication of users by name and
Enterprise Directory DSA and vice-versa. DSP
password. It also allows access to be restricted
enables full interworking with DSAs in other
based on network address and for chained
The DSA server supports LDAPv2 and
Distributed Operations
LDAPv3 protocols.
The DSA supports standard X.500 distributed
For shadowing, the DSA supports
operations including chaining and referrals.
shadowSupplierInitiatedAC and
Knowledge management of superior and
shadowConsumerInitiatedAC application
subordinate references allows a Tru64 UNIX
contexts in both the synchronous and
Enterprise Directory DSA to participate as a
asynchronous variants (DISP protocol) and the
first-level DSA or a subordinate DSA in a
directoryOperational BindingManagementAC
multi-vendor distributed Directory Information
application context (DOP protocol).
Base (DIB).
The Tru64 UNIX Enterprise Directory V5.6
runs on the Tru64 UNIX operating system. It
provides integrated, multi-protocol support
allowing concurrent DAP and DSP access over
The Tru64 UNIX Enterprise Directory
OSI (using transport classes TP0, TP2, TP4)
supports shadowing of data between DSAs,
and RFC1006 over TCP/IP.
allowing data to be replicated in the network
for high availability and performance.
Security – SSL/TLS Support
Shadowing also allows replication of
knowledge information for distributed
Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security
operation, access control policies and
support is provided utilising the object library
authentication information, thus reducing the
shipped with this kit.
amount of management required.
Selective Shadowing
The Directory can receive commands over a
secure line using LDAPv3. The following
V5.6 supports Selective Shadowing – the
protocols are non-simultaneously supported:
ability to specify which attributes can and
cannot be shadowed to a consumer DSA.
The shadowing filter is controlled by the
shadowingAttributeSelection attribute in the
The Directory does not provide a default or
shadow agreement subentry. Thus every
private key. These may be obtained from
shadowing agreement has its filter.
Shadowed information is represented using the
The Directory can be placed in one of three
DSA Information Model defined in the 1997
management selectable security states – no
edition of the standard. Tru64 UNIX
security; selectable security; mandatory
Enterprise Directory supports the shadowing
service defined in X.525, including supplier
initiated and consumer-initiated agreements,
both scheduled and on change replication
providing full or incremental updates.
The Tru64 UNIX Enterprise Directory
provides a Directory Information Base based
on the 1993 edition of Extended Information
Models. This indexed database supports high-
The Directory Service is based on the client-
performance searching and sophisticated
server model. The DSA server supports the
matching including approximate (Soundex)
directorySystemAC application context (DSP
match. The database is held in main memory
protocol) to communicate with other DSAs.
to ensure optimal response times.
Communications between server DSAs and
1993-2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 3
November, 2007