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Инструкция по эксплуатации HP, модель OpenVMS 8.4

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Фрагмент инструкции

HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS,
SPD 44.15.20
Version 2.7
For DIGITAL PrintServer printers, whether using the
• Support for printers via network interface cards, print
TCP/IP or DECnet protocol, PrintServer Software must
servers and terminal servers that support bidirec-
be installed on at least one system in your network.
tional Raw TCP/IP sockets or LPD.
Printing Features
• Support for printers via remote LPD queues on other
• PostScript printing.
The print symbiont passes
• Support for PrintServer printers on DECnet or TCP/IP
PostScript files directly to the printer.
interconnects using CPAP protocol.
Supervisor does not interpret or translate PostScript
files. Therefore, they must be created using standard
• Automatic data type detection and switching. The
PostScript Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3 operators as
software attempts to determine the data type of the
defined within the printer itself.
file. If successful, it will automatically translate, if
necessary, and print the file. If it cannot determine
• ANSI (DEC PPL3) printing.
DECprint Supervisor
the file data type, it will use the default data type
translates ANSI files into PostScript for printing on
the output device. These ANSI files may contain
ASCII text, sixel graphics and other features of HP’s
If the file is printed using the data type defined by
ANSI-compliant Printing Protocol Level 3.
DATA_TYPE=AUTOMATIC, the symbiont will look for
a switch to PostScript command (%!) and continue
• Selection of input tray via INPUT_TRAY, MEDIA_
to process the rest of the file as PostScript. This
TYPE, PAGE_SIZE or SHEET_SIZE parameters and
switch may occur only once per file. The switch to
output tray via OUTPUT_TRAY, within the limitations
PostScript feature is not available when DCPS uses
of the printer and the tray-naming conventions to pro-
a printer’s native PCL interpreter to process the file.
vide such features.
• Printing non-PostScript data types on the PostScript
• Rotation of the page via the PAGE_ORIENTATION
printer. Translators are provided to translate the fol-
parameter for non-PostScript files only.
lowing data types into PostScript for printing:
• Selection of single-sided, double-sided, or tumble
— DDIF (bitonal Image subset only;
printing when available on the printer, via the SIDES
DECwindows Motif software)
— PCL Level 4 (as implemented on the HP LaserJet
• Formatting of ANSI text files via the /HEADER,
/FORM, /SPACE and /FEED qualifiers and the TAB
— IBM Proprinter XL24
— ReGIS (monochrome output only)
• Control of ANSI file margins, page setup and wrap or
truncate options as specified by the DEFINE/FORM
— Tektronix 4010/4014
— ASCII LIST translator that formats and numbers
• Status and error messages sent to the user’s termi-
ASCII files. This translator numbers each line of
nal, may be printed on the job trailer page or job log
text, creates alternating bars of gray and white in
page, written to a log file, or displayed on the opera-
the background and creates a running head of the
tor’s console.
file name and page number.
• Use of device control modules for basic data types
• Printing two or more page images on a single side
via the /SETUP qualifier. PostScript modules may
of a sheet via the NUMBER_UP parameter.
contain any PostScript operators supported by the
• Specifying page layup features via the LAYUP_
printer in the printing context.
DEFINITION parameter.
Page layup features in-
clude Borders, Margins, Margin Alternation, Pages
• Collection of accounting information for each print job
Per Sheet, First Page, Page Order and Page Grid.
as follows: sheets of paper printed, the number of
Layup definition options may be provided directly, as
RMS Gets and the number of QIO Writes. All Com-
arguments to the LAYUP_DEFINITION parameter, or
paq, DIGITAL and GENICOM printers support this
indirectly, as the contents of a file specified by that
feature except where noted in the Other Hardware
Required section of the SPD. This feature may not
be available with other printers.
• Specifying a range of pages of the file to be printed
via the PAGE_LIMIT parameter.
• Access to the PCL interpreter native to selected print-
ers. Printers for which the native PCL interpreter is
• Printing jobs with finishing options with the PUNCH
supported are listed in the Other Hardware Required
and STAPLE parameters, on supported printers
section of the SPD.
equipped with such options.


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