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Фрагмент инструкции
HP Reliable Transaction Router Version 5.1
The web-based interface provides a point and click style
Backend Features
of managing RTR from a browser. The browser inter-
face provides monitoring and management of the RTR
• Runs on the Windows 2000, Windows 2003 Server,
configuration with the RTR Manager, and RTR Explorer,
or Windows XP operating systems.
components of the browser-based RTR Administrator.
• May be started as a Windows service.
Both interfaces allow the creation, deletion, and modi-
• Provides transparent, content-based transaction
fication of application networks (facilities) within a net-
routing for client/server applications.
work, and permit control of distributed RTR processes
• Provides publish/subscribe broadcast (nontransac-
from a single system in the distributed environment. The
tional) messaging for delivery to multiple subscription
RTR system management interfaces are used to bind
domains within a virtual network.
the physical hardware (CPU and communications) to a
virtual network namespace and are transparent to the
• Allows user-defined partitioned data models (content-
applications software. A monitoring utility can be in-
based routing) for improved performance of user ap-
voked to report application performance information on
a local or remote node.
• Acts as a layer between client and server applica-
Reliable Transaction Router is independent of forms and
tions, thus decoupling the end-to-end relationship
window management systems and databases. Multiple
normally required by user application control. This
databases and other resource managers (for example,
provides the application developer with a single sys-
flat-file systems) can be updated within the same dis-
tem view of the programming environment.
tributed transaction.
• Ensures atomicity of transactions (all or nothing) by
using a two-phase commit protocol for transactional
Reliable Transaction Router is intended for distributed
message delivery among one or more server appli-
applications that require continuous computing services
and transaction integrity (for example, trading systems,
banking systems, electronic commerce, payment sys-
• Offers at-most-once semantics for valid transactions.
tems, transportation systems, and telecommunications
This includes specially flagged transaction replay to
a surviving server application, or a later instantiation
of that server on the same or a different machine on
Reliable Transaction Router can also be used for ap-
the virtual network.
plications that require reliable messaging and fault tol-
• Supports multiple (concurrent) servers as well as
erant application control over LANs or WANs. Reliable
multithreaded clients and servers.
Transaction Router provides the enabling technology for
applications requiring fully distributed client/server mod-
• Supports user authentication control (callout servers)
with consistent reply in shadow environments.
On Windows, RTR provides an interface for controlling
• Provides disaster protection against site failure by
transaction commitment directly with a Microsoft DTC
mirroring transactions in shadow-server environ-
compliant resource manager such as Microsoft SQL
ments. Automatic resynchronization of shadow pairs
after recovery is provided transparently to the appli-
On Windows, Reliable Transaction Router provides an
• Maintains performance scaling over a wide range of
interface for controlling transaction commitment directly
configurations allowing easy horizontal expansion of
with an XA-compliant resource manager, such as ORA-
both hardware systems and application software.
• Enables automatic failover/failback of server appli-
License Types
cations on multiple backend systems while remain-
ing transparent to client applications executing on re-
Reliable Transaction Router for Windows has two li-
mote systems. RTR can maintain application opera-
cense types.
tion in many instances of single or multiple failures in
The Backend license provides full client/router/server
a widely distributed software/hardware configuration.
It is required for nodes configured as
• Includes system management interfaces for online
routers or servers, and can also be used for nodes con-
control of virtual networks from any workstation or
figured as clients.
terminal with the appropriate privileges. Monitoring of
The Frontend license provides client application func-
statistics, software and hardware states, and clients
tionality only, in a production environment, plus a single-
and servers is provided from local and remote nodes.
node development and testing environment for RTR ap-
• Uses HP TCP/IP IPv4 as the underlying network
transport. HP DECnet is also supported.