К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP Storage Library System
SPD 29.67.27
Version 2.9J for OpenVMS
• "Round robin" device allocation to distribute drive us-
SLS for OpenVMS server software provides full func-
age among available tape drives
tionality, as described above, to users on the node or
OpenVMS Cluster on which SLS is executing. A node
• In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, automatic fail-
or OpenVMS Cluster executing SLS for OpenVMS soft-
ure recovery from the loss of a processor to allow
ware provides media management services for itself and
continuous access to the SLS for OpenVMS media
for any "client nodes" connected to it. At least one SLS
databases. This feature requires two server licenses.
for OpenVMS server license in the network is required
for use of the SLS for OpenVMS product.
SLS version 2.9J-ECO01 and later use MRU V1.8A for
performing loader or library related operations on new
media libraries. MRU V1.8A is also required for facil-
SLS for OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Clients:
itating migration from SLS/MDMS V2.x to ABS/MDMS
V4.x environment.
SLS for OpenVMS Client software provides backup
scheduling and archiving services for the node or
Remote Device Facility (RDF™)
OpenVMS Cluster on which it is executing, and acts as
a client of the SLS server software when the client re-
The Remote Device Facility (RDF) software is included
quires media management services.
within SLS and is optionally installed during the SLS
software installation procedure. No additional license is
Like the SLS Sever software, the SLS Client software
needed for RDF when used along with SLS.
maintains SLS history files where it records information
about user files backed up or archived locally under its
RDF allows SLS to access tapes from other OpenVMS
control. The node executing SLS for OpenVMS client
nodes across the DECnet or DECnet-Plus network for
software communicates using DECnet or DECnet-Plus
backup and archive operations. RDF includes the fol-
software to a node running the SLS for OpenVMS server
lowing capabilities:
software. The SLS server node maintains the SLS me-
dia database. The SLS media database contains infor-
• RDF servers that execute tape I/O requests on behalf
mation about volume location and pool access autho-
of a remote client. Servers are located on systems
that have tape drives attached or on systems that can
access drives through the OpenVMS TMSCP Server.
Each SLS for OpenVMS client node must be reached
• RDF clients that provide the communications inter-
from a node or OpenVMS Cluster system executing the
face between applications reading or writing data to
SLS for OpenVMS server software. Any number of SLS
a tape drive and to the RDF servers.
for OpenVMS client nodes may be served by a single
SLS for OpenVMS server node.
SLS for OpenVMS software makes access to remote
tape drives transparent to SLS backup and archive op-
erations by issuing RDF commands as appropriate if a
Qualified DEVICES
designated tape drive is a remote one. SLS for Open-
VMS software also manages volume load requests to
The following libraries and loaders have been tested
remote systems to allow unattended backups or to com-
and qualified by Storage Management Software Engi-
municate with a console operator. SLS for OpenVMS
neering. However, Storage Management Software En-
makes no direct use of the remote disk capabilities in-
gineering does not test each of the devices with every
herent in RDF.
possible combination of controllers and host systems.
Because Storage Library System and the Media Robot
Utility (MRU) run in common environments, these com-
binations are tested first with MRU. Upon successful
completion of the MRU tests, Storage Library System is
To qualify a variety of configuration requirements, the
then tested in representative configurations. Note that
following SLS for OpenVMS license options are avail-
MRU is not a prerequisite for Storage Library System.
• SLS for OpenVMS VAX Server
Therefore, to determine if your specific configuration has
been qualified follow these steps:
• SLS for OpenVMS Alpha Server
• SLS for OpenVMS VAX Client
1. If you have a tape drive that is not software-defined
as a jukebox (is not a library or a loader device), refer
• SLS for OpenVMS Alpha Client
to the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD
25.01.xx) to determine if your tape drive is qualified
SLS for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha Server:
for your platform and controller/adapter combination.