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HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport,
SPD 29.76.07
Version 2.3
be configured according to specifications listed in both
DECnet SNA gateway management software allows an
the hardware and software user documentation.
HP system operator to bootstrap or restart a DECnet
SNA Gateway remotely and provide configuration and
Loading HP DECnet SNA Gateway-CT Software
initialization facilities for the DECnet SNA Gateway.
The DEC ChannelServer requires software to be loaded
Problem Isolation and Determination Tools for the
into memory before DECnet SNA Gateway operation.
HP DECnet SNA Gateway-CT software is downline
loaded into the hardware across the Ethernet LAN from
In addition to event logging and error counters, a wide
an OpenVMS Integrity servers, Alpha or VAX system
range of fault isolation tools are included.
acting as a DECnet load host system.
Trace capabilities SNATRACE and NETTRACE for
Most Integrity servers, Alpha and VAX systems run-
OpenVMS are provided with HP DECnet SNA Gateway-
ning OpenVMS software are supported as Ethernet
CT to help debug application programs as well as assist
load hosts for HP DECnet SNA Gateway-CT. Supported
in identifying system problems. An operator can run a
OpenVMS configurations are described in the Open-
trace at the Circuit, Physical Unit (PU), or Session level,
VMS Operating System for Integrity servers, Alpha and
and then format the data on a specified HP system. The
VAX Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx and
trace features are helpful in identifying an error for re-
SPD 25.01.xx).
medial action.
DECnet SNA Gateway Management Software
A snapshot monitoring utility is provided to display on an
HP host-controlled terminal the status of the Gateway’s
DECnet SNA gateway management software, which is
buffer availability, the number of SNA sessions currently
part of the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT, provides configu-
in progress, and other information that pertains to both
ration and management functions for use with HP DEC-
the DECnet and SNA networks.
net SNA Gateway for Channel Transport. This man-
agement software allows the gateway administrator to
If an irrecoverable error should occur during operation
configure the software executing in the DECnet SNA
of the DECnet SNA Gateway system, a memory image
Gateway-CT system. The administrator can set up pa-
may be dumped to a designated Ethernet attached In-
rameters relating to lines, circuits, physical units, logical
tegrity server, Alpha or VAX host. This memory image
units, and other key variables necessary for network-to-
may then be provided to your HP support personnel for
network communications between the DECnet and SNA
problem diagnosis.
networks. In addition, the software allows the adminis-
trator to manage and diagnose problems related to the
HP DECnet SNA Gateway-CT.
DECnet SNA gateway management software is required
Installation services from HP are recommended for
on the HP load host node for HP DECnet SNA Gateway-
a customer’s first purchase of this software product.
CT. It must also be present on any other OpenVMS
These services provide for installation of the software
node where users want to manage an HP DECnet SNA
by an experienced HP installation specialist.
Gateway-CT and the DEC Channel Server. It is strongly
recommended that the software also be installed on
OpenVMS systems in order to facilitate debugging func-
tions where IBM Interconnect application programs are
In Ethernet LANs
developed using any of the DECnet SNA Programming
Interface products.
• Integrity server, Alpha or VAX system configuration
as specified in the OpenVMS Operating System for
Gateway management software includes DECnet style
Integrity servers, Alpha and VAX Software Product
network management tools for configuring, controlling,
Description (SPD 82.35.xx and SPD 25.01.xx) to act
monitoring, and troubleshooting the DECnet SNA Gate-
as a load host
way product. These activities are generally performed
• DEC ChannelServer (DESNA-Ax) or DEC Chan-
by the HP system manager responsible for the desig-
nelServer II (DESNB-Ax) as described in the Com-
nated load host node. Most management functions are
munications Hardware Requirements section of this
performed from a node on the HP network rather than
Software Product Description
at or on the Gateway itself.
• S/370 Bus and Tag cables (with terminators, if ap-
Management of the DECnet SNA Gateway should be
viewed as part of the HP environment, while manage-
ment of the lines and/or channel connecting the DECnet
• VT series terminal for diagnostic use
SNA Gateway to the IBM system is a joint responsibility
of the IBM and HP system managers.