К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP C for OpenVMS
— A Microsoft compatibility mode that interprets
— HP C OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64, on
source programs according to certain language
OpenVMS Version 7.0 and later, supports user-
rules followed by the C compiler provided with the
controlled features to specify the use of 64-bit
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler product.
pointers that allow applications to exploit the in-
creased address space capabilities of the Alpha
In addition, just the features specified by Addendum 1
and I64 architectures and the OpenVMS Alpha
to the ISO C standard adopted by ISO in November of
Version 7.0 services.
These features include
1994 (digraphs and the _ _STDC_VERSION_ _ prede-
command-line qualifiers, #pragma directives, and
fined macro) can be added to each of these dialects
run-time library specifications that allow the pro-
except for VAX C mode.
grammer to allocate and access data at run time
Data types for numeric, nonnumeric, and systems
that is to be beyond the range of addressing af-
forded by 32-bit pointers. By default, programs
compiled by earlier versions of the compiler or on
— C99 Universal Character Names (UCNs) are ac-
earlier versions of OpenVMS continue to behave
cepted in identifiers, string literals, and character
as before, strictly within 32-bit address space.
constants (and their wide variations) (Not Open-
Explicit use of the new compiler features allow
such programs to be extended to exploit the ex-
— HP C supports 8, 16, and 32-bit signed and un-
tended address space with minimal changes to
signed integers.
HP C OpenVMS Alpha and
the source code.
OpenVMS I64 also supports 64-bit signed and un-
signed integers.
Storage allocation using:
— HP C supports an 8-bit _Bool data type for C99.
— Reserved words (globalref, globaldef, and global-
value) for sharing data among program modules
— HP C supports 32-bit float and 64-bit double
floating-point data types. The VAX floating-point
— Reserved words (readonly, noshare, and psect
formats include D-float and G-float and are user
name specification) for control of data attributes
and data placement
— HP C OpenVMS Alpha and I64 also supports
— Reserved words (_align and _unaligned) for spec-
IEEE floating-point formats in 32-bit single, 64-
ifying the alignment boundaries of data objects
bit double, and 128-bit quad-precision double-
— Pragmas to control extern models and structure
extended representations. The C language type
member alignment and base structure alignment
"long double" normally is represented in 128-bit
quad precision IEEE format on these platforms,
Option for running only the preprocessor phase of
although there is a compile-time option that allows
the user to specify that it should use the same rep-
Option for generating include-file dependency infor-
resentation as type "double" (which is the format
mation to aid in construction of files for the HP
used on OpenVMS VAX).
Module Management System
— C99 constants for specific values of Infinity and
Pragmas to control compiler options
NaN are supported when using/float=ieee (Not
The C99_Pragma operator, which effectively allows
pragma directives to be produced by macro expan-
— HP C OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 sup-
sion (not OpenVMS VAX).
ports the C99 _Complex keyword for specifying
three types that represent values in the complex
Compilation options allowing a choice between fast
plane, based on Cartesian coordinates of type
turnaround and optimization across compilation units
float, double, or long double, respectively, except
Option to generate a file of prototype-style function
that D_float representation is not supported for _
declarations suitable for use in a header file from
Complex types. Run-time library support for C99
the function definitions (both prototype-style and old-
mathematical functions operating on these types
style) contained in a source file.
is available in OpenVMS Alpha V7.3-1 and sub-
sequent versions.
Enhanced diagnostic message controls with the
command-line qualifier /WARNINGS, including the
— HP C supports passing numeric constants by ref-
following features:
erence in function calls.
— specify whether a message is issued only once
— HP C supports the multibyte and wide-character
per compilation, or at each occurrence
types and features of XPG4, with the locale sup-
port available in OpenVMS V6.4 and subsequent
— specify severity of any message with a default
severity of information or warning