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Фрагмент инструкции
HP DECforms for OpenVMS, Version 4.0
SPD 29.90.14
Printing Support
specified directly with IFDL statements. An IFDL source
file is a text file that can be created or modified with any
Through the use of the printing layout, DECforms pro-
text editor.
vides the capability for rendering high-quality, bitmap
hardcopy forms for printing on PostScript printers.
LSE templates are available for the IFDL language to aid
in the creation and maintenance of IFDL source code.
The printing layout contains the specification of a user
DECforms also supports the Compile and Review ca-
interface that is output only and specifies its output de-
pabilities of the LSE.
vice as a file, rather than a physical device. This file can
serve as input to other DDIF-capable applications, for
The IFDL also includes a COPY statement that pro-
ultimate printing or inclusion in compound documents.
vides for the copying of record and field definitions
Through the use of the printing layout, DECforms also
from the Oracle CDD/Repository. DECforms supports
supports the concept of "batch printing" in which applica-
Oracle CDD/Repository pieces tracking by depositing
tions can use DECforms for high-volume forms printing
information in the dictionary indicating that a particu-
without the need for a physical display device.
lar form has used a certain record. DECforms can
also use Oracle CDD/Repository records defined with
the BASED ON attribute and those referenced through
Form Manager
IFDL Translator
The Form Manager is the interface between an appli-
cation program and a display device. It is a run-time
The IFDL translator compiles an IFDL source file into
system that controls form display and operator input on
a binary form file. This form file is then ready for use
terminals. The Form Manager provides six requests for
with its application. Its appearance can be tested on a
communication between the form and the application.
terminal screen or printed. The binary form file may be
These requests (routines in the Form Manager) allow
analyzed by other DECforms utilities, or edited in the
the application to enable the form for use, send data
FDE or the appropriate panel editor.
to the form, receive data from it (separately or in one
call), disable the form at the end of a session, or asyn-
Back Translator
chronously cancel a request.
The Back Translator converts a binary form file into an
The Form Manager is included with the DECforms De-
IFDL source file. Essentially, it performs the reverse
velopment System and is also offered separately in the
function of the IFDL Translator. As a result, it provides
optional DECforms Run-Time System. The only DEC-
a method of editing the IFDL source for a form created
forms component available in this latter option is the
or modified by the FDE or panel editor. The IFDL source
Form Manager. The Run-Time System allows the ex-
statements that the Back Translator produces also pro-
ecution of applications using DECforms on a machine
vide a complete textual description of the form.
other than the one used to develop the application.
Panel Editors
Form Development Environment (FDE)
The VT-based Panel Editor allow the user to create
The FDE allows a form designer to create a form in-
graphic form elements in an interactive, "What You See
teractively. The FDE provides menus that help the de-
Is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) fashion. The panel ed-
signer step through various tasks of form creation and
itors support the interactive creation of the visual ele-
modification. The FDE is used with the VT-based Panel
ments of a form’s panels: background text and graphics,
Editor to create the appearance of the form. The FDE
and the locations, sizes and attributes of fields.
also provides access to text editors, including the Lan-
guage Sensitive Editor (LSE), part of HP DECset for
Extract Utility
OpenVMS Systems, to allow a designer to write state-
ments in the Independent Form Description Language
The Extract Utility performs three functions:
(IFDL) that describes a DECforms form.
• Produces a printable representation of a form’s pan-
Independent Form Description Language (IFDL)
els from a form file.
The IFDL is a semi-procedural language that completely
• Creates object modules containing a form. These
describes a DECforms form. It allows the form designer
object modules can then be linked in an executable
to create a form (noninteractively), specifying its appear-
image with a program as a memory-resident form for
ance and functions. While the appearance of a form
use by the same program in a single session or in
can be entirely created by the panel editors, procedural
multiple sessions. The modules can also be linked in
aspects of the form, such as specialized responses to
shareable images for use by multiple sessions from
function keys and specialized data validation, must be
multiple processes.