К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64, Version 8.3
SPD 50.45.19
can transfer sequential or relative files with fixed length,
Virtual Terminal
variable length, or variable length with fixed control field
records between two DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS sys-
Virtual Terminal (VT) supports the ISO Virtual Termi-
tems. Similarly, multikeyed indexed files with variable
nal Protocol (ISO 9041).
This protocol allows re-
or fixed length records are supported.
mote logins and access to remote applications between
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS systems and any remote
The SUBMIT/REMOTE command allows command files
system, including multivendor systems, that also run an
residing on a remote node to be submitted for execution
ISO-compliant Virtual Terminal implementation.
at the remote node. The command file must be in the
format expected by the node responsible for execution.
Virtual Terminal is implemented as an Application Ser-
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS allows OpenVMS command
vice Element (ASE) of the OSI Application layer.
files to be received from other systems and executed.
Virtual Terminal may act as the terminal/initiator (for a lo-
The DCL command EXCHANGE/NETWORK allows the
cal user) or as the host/responder (for the remote user).
transfer of files to or from heterogeneous systems. This
A full description of Virtual Terminal features is provided
command gives users the option to transfer file types
in Appendix A of this SPD.
between MS-DOS, UNIX systems and OpenVMS sys-
tems regardless of record semantics. Unlike the COPY
Command Terminal
command, which preserves file and record organization
during a file transfer, this command enables the user to
The DCL command SET HOST allows a terminal user
modify file and record attributes during file transfer.
on one DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS node to establish
a logical connection to another DECnet-Plus or DEC-
OSI Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
net Phase IV node that uses the Command Terminal
(CTERM) protocol. This connection makes the terminal
The OSI application programming interfaces enable
appear to be physically connected to the remote system
users to write distributed applications that communicate
and the operator can use all the standard system and
over open networks and use the OSI services provided
network utilities supported by that remote node. This ca-
by DECnet-Plus.
pability is particularly useful for doing remote program
The interfaces are provided under the Extended Func-
development and allows the terminal users on smaller
tion license and include:
application-oriented systems to use the resources of
larger development-oriented systems.
• An interface to FTAM (File Transfer, Access, and
Other interfaces are included in DECnet-Plus for
OpenVMS. You can develop programs and procedures
• Interfaces to the ACSE (Association Control Service
based on these interfaces for functions such as file ac-
Element) and Presentation layers
cess and task-to-task communications on individual sys-
• An interface to ROSE (Remote Operations Service
tems. Because the DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS inter-
faces stay the same, you can use the programs and
procedures developed on an individual system in a net-
• An interface to the OSI Session layer
work environment without modifying them.
The interfaces permit application writers to use the ser-
vices of the OSI upper layers in their applications.
The APIs allow you to develop applications on DECnet-
Downline Loading
Plus systems. You must compile and link source code
with the APIs. The APIs are required on the devel-
HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS allows for the loading
opment system and the compile/link system. You can
of an unattended system using the services provided
run the resulting application on any DECnet-Plus system
by the Maintenance Operations Module (MOM). MOM
with the appropriate operating system. The APIs are not
provides a set of maintenance operations over various
required on these target systems. See Appendix B for
types of circuits by using the Maintenance Operations
details on the OSI APIs.
Protocol (MOP). A loadable system is a system that has
a load device enabled for MOP service functions and for
Network Virtual Terminal
which a properly formatted load file is supplied. Down-
DECnet-Plus supports two upper layer protocols for ter-
line loading involves transferring a copy of the load file
minal access: the OSI Virtual Terminal protocol and the
image to a remote target node. Load requests can come
DECnet Command Terminal protocol.
from the local DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS operator or
from the target node. Downline loading is supported for
HP server products.