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Фрагмент инструкции
HP DECnet SNA Gateway for
SPD 25.C6.07
Synchronous Transport, Version 1.4
link control protocol (SDLC). The number of links sup-
Extended SDLC — Support for Extended Response
ported depends on the hardware unit being used (DEC
Mode SDLC (Modulo 128).
MicroServer or DEC MicroServer-SP), line speeds re-
quired by the customer, and the electrical interface used.
When Using DEC MicroServer Hardware
Table 1 shows the configuration matrix for connecting to
Synchronous line support — HP DECnet SNA
the SNA network.
Gateway-ST supports up to four SDLC connections
at speeds of 64 Kbs/circuit or less, two connections
Table 1
at 128 Kbs/circuit, or a single connection at 256 Kbs.
Number of Synchronous Lines Supported
Session support — HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST
supports up to 128 concurrent (Logical Unit) sessions
Maximum Line Speed (Kbps)
for selected access routines.
Electrical Interface
When Using DEC MicroServer-SP Hardware
DEC MicroServer
Synchronous line support — HP DECnet SNA
Gateway-ST supports one SDLC connection at up
to 19.2 Kbps.
DEC MicroServer-SP
Session support — HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST
supports up to 32 concurrent (Logical Unit) sessions
for selected access routines.
Loading HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST Software
Lines connected to the DEC MicroServer or DEC
MicroServer-SP should be configured according to
The DEC MicroServer requires software to be loaded
guidelines specified in the HP DECnet SNA Gateway-
into memory before DECnet SNA Gateway operation.
ST user documentation.
HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST software is downline
loaded into the hardware across the Ethernet LAN from
an OpenVMS I64, OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS VAX
system acting as a DECnet load host system.
NRZI support — Signaling mode for the line(s) from
Most Itanium, Alpha and VAX systems running Open-
the Gateway to the IBM system can be set to
VMS software are supported as Ethernet load hosts
NORMAL or NRZI (non-return-to-zero-inverted) so
for HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST. Supported OpenVMS
that line characteristics match those set in the IBM
configurations are described in the OpenVMS Operat-
ing System for I64, Alpha and VAX Software Product
Description (SPD 82.35.xx and 25.01.xx).
Support for FULL duplex transmission — Circuits can
be set FULL duplex to allow data to be sent and
DECnet SNA Gateway Management Software
received simultaneously on full duplex lines. This
DECnet SNA gateway management software, which is
setting corresponds to DATMODE=FULL in the IBM
part of the DECnet SNA Gateway-ST, provides con-
ACF/NCP PU macro.
figuration and management functions for use with HP
Support for RECFMS — The Gateway can send
DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport. This
Record Formatted Maintenance Statistics (RECFMS)
management software allows the gateway administrator
messages to the IBM system. These messages con-
to configure the software executing in the HP DECnet
tain counters requested by the IBM Network Prob-
SNA Gateway-ST system. The administrator can set up
lem Determination Application (NPDA) using Re-
parameters relating to lines, circuits, physical units, logi-
quest Maintenance Statistics (REQMS) messages.
cal units, and other key variables necessary for network-
Not all RECFMS messages are supported by the
to-network communications between the DECnet and
Gateway. Refer to the DECnet SNA Gateway-CT
SNA networks. In addition, the software allows the ad-
and -ST Management user documentation for more
ministrator to manage and diagnose problems related to
the HP DECnet SNA Gateway-ST.
A simplified configuration procedure — After in-
DECnet SNA gateway management software is required
stalling Gateway-ST gateway management software,
on the HP load host node for HP DECnet SNA Gateway-
a single configuration procedure is run which cre-
ST. It must also be present on any other OpenVMS
ates command procedures that define items for the
node where users want to manage HP DECnet SNA
DECnet database on the load host, and the SNA and
Gateway-ST and the DEC MicroServer. It is strongly
DECnet databases on the Gateway.
recommended that the software also be installed on