К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP SNA Remote Job Entry
SPD 26.85.10
for OpenVMS, Version 1.8
Sending Jobs to the IBM Host
None of the other SNA servers and gateways—HP
SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX, HP SNA Server for
Workstation users submit jobs to OpenVMS queues.
OpenVMS Alpha, HP SNA Peer Server, HP SNA Ac-
The workstation transmits the queued jobs to the IBM
cess Server for Windows NT, and HP SNA Domain
host over the input streams associated with a queue.
Gateway—have internal RJE Servers and must there-
fore run the RJE Server on the OpenVMS node.
This queuing technique makes it possible for many RJE
users to submit jobs at the same time and to do so
even if the workstation is inactive. When the operator
sets the workstation on, the workstation transmits all
the jobs in its queues. For each submitted job, the user
Only experienced customers should attempt installation
specifies one or more files containing JCL (Job Control
of this product. Installation services from HP are recom-
Language) statements, data, or programs.
mended for all other customers. These services provide
for installation of the software product by an experienced
software specialist.
Receiving Job Output
The IBM host returns job output to a workstation over
various output streams. Each IBM output stream will
have an OpenVMS directory assigned to it. As output
For HP SNA 3270 Remote Job Entry for OpenVMS to
from jobs is received on an output stream, it is assigned
be supported by HP, the customer must have a HP sup-
a file name identical to the name given to the job as
ported SNA server or gateway configuration and a valid
it is executed in the IBM system (normally names are
support agreement for the selected gateway and Re-
specified by user-supplied JCL). This mechanism allows
mote Job Entry for OpenVMS product.
easy identification of a particular job when several users
share the same job stream. In the SNA gateway envi-
ronment, job output may be directed to a system on the
network other than the initiating system.
Managing the Workstation
Processors Supported
OpenVMS users with the required privilege can issue a
For information about supported processors, refer to
set of restricted commands to manage the workstation.
the OpenVMS Operating System for I64, Alpha and
These commands allow the user to initialize and control
VAX Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx and
the workstation, and to communicate interactively with
the IBM batch subsystem. The following functions are
Processors Not Supported
• Set the workstation ON and OFF
The RJE software is not supported on the following pro-
cessors: VAX-11/750, VAX-11/780, and VAX-11/785.
• Stop the transmission of a job
• Collect logging information in a disk file
Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1)
• Display status
For Itanium-Based Systems:
• Obtain online help information
Disk space required for installation:
6934 blocks
(3.467 MB)
Disk space required for use (perma-
5561 blocks
Specifying a Server
(2.780 MB)
Users of HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Trans-
For Alpha-Based Systems:
port or HP DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous
Transport have the option of running the RJE Server
Disk space required for installation:
3328 blocks
on the SNA gateway (the default) or on the the Open-
(1.67 MB)
VMS node. By running the RJE Server on the Open-
VMS node, you can utilize idle OpenVMS resources,
Disk space required for use (perma-
1905 blocks
thus reducing the SNA gateway’s resource usage and
(956 KB)
increasing the throughput.
For VAX-Based Systems: