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Фрагмент инструкции
HP SNA Data Transfer
SPD 27.85.13
Facility for OpenVMS, Version 3.6
OpenVMS DTF Server
The OpenVMS DTF server software can be installed
MDU must be installed on each IBM system with which
on any OpenVMS I64, OpenVMS Alpha or OpenVMS
users want to communicate. The HP network requires
VAX system in a network containing an SNA gateway
one OpenVMS DTF server component installed on a
or server. The node that is running the OpenVMS DTF
OpenVMS system, and may require multiple server
server software is referred to as the server node. All
component installations depending on the amount of
DTF file requests go through this server node which
use of DTF. Other OpenVMS nodes in the network do
communicates with the Mainframe DTF system using
not require any additional software since DTF allows
an SNA gateway or server. The DTF server software
users to use standard file transfer commands to ac-
also performs text translation (DMCS/EBCDIC). How-
cess IBM files. The OpenVMS DTF utilities software
ever, this can be done optionally by the MDU software.
is required only if a particular OpenVMS system’s users
The OpenVMS DTF server software includes the Open-
need the recoverable copy feature or if IBM users desire
VMS DTF utilities software described in the next section.
recoverable copy operations to that OpenVMS system.
Recoverable copy works only to OpenVMS nodes with
the OpenVMS DTF server software or the OpenVMS
OpenVMS DTF Utilities
DTF utilities software installed.
The OpenVMS DTF utilities software is an optional com-
ponent that can be installed on any OpenVMS sys-
tem where users wish to transfer files using the re-
coverable copy feature. The utilities software should
The DTF for OpenVMS product uses a variety of familiar
also be installed if IBM users will be requesting re-
user interfaces to make users more productive. Users
coverable copies involving that OpenVMS node. The
do not have to learn new commands and procedures.
utilities software consists of a server management util-
Users in the OpenVMS environment can issue stan-
ity and a checkpoint/recovery utility (TRANSFER/DTF).
dard DCL commands, like COPY, TYPE, DIRECTORY,
The OpenVMS DTF utilities software communicates
and so on. Alternatively, they can use the Record
with the OpenVMS DTF server software to accomplish
Management System (RMS) programming interface or
the data transfer. It is not necessary to install the Open-
the TRANSFER/DTF utility for data exchange between
VMS DTF utilities software on the server node since
OpenVMS and IBM systems.
these utilities are included in the OpenVMS DTF server
software package.
IBM mainframe users can access and transfer data by
using the TSO DTF command processor, the TSO ISPF
panels, or the single-line interface. The TSO command
Mainframe DTF
processor can also be invoked in batch mode.
Mainframe DTF (MDU) is a layered software product
that operates on an IBM mainframe. The Mainframe
DTF (MDU) software can be installed on any IBM S/370-
DTF Access from OpenVMS Clients
class, IBM S/390-class, or IBM zSeries Server running
OpenVMS DTF users can initiate non-recoverable or re-
in 31-bit mode. MDU is also supported under z/OS run-
coverable, bidirectional file transfers between IBM DTF
ning in 64-bit mode.
clients and themselves. DTF supports the following
MDU accepts file operation commands from the Open-
OpenVMS DCL commands.
VMS DTF server software and maps them into main-
frame file commands to perform the operation. It also
Note: Some of the qualifiers associated with these DCL
provides interfaces so TSO users can issue recoverable
commands are subject to restrictions when used with
and non-recoverable copy commands in interactive or
batch mode. MDU software consists of two parts: a
VTAM application program that controls the communi-
cations with the OpenVMS DTF server nodes for the
purpose of transferring files, and user interfaces. The
three user interfaces are: a TSO command processor,
a single-line command interface (REXX required), and
an ISPF dialog.