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HP ACMS for OpenVMS,
SPD 82.40.04
Version 5.1B
Presentation Services
Resource Utilization Collection and Reporting
ACMS supports both terminal-driven and PC/workstation-
ACMS supports Oracle Trace to allow the collection and
driven TP applications with presentation services. Users
reporting of event-based data gathered from any com-
have the option of running ACMS tasks from menus
bination of OpenVMS layered products and ACMS ap-
on VT terminals, or from a GUI interface on a
plications. For each predefined event in ACMS, Oracle
PC/workstation desktop system.
Trace can collect information about resource utilization,
such as CPU time, or ACMS data items, such as task
ACMS supports DECforms as its primary presentation
name. Using the Oracle Trace cross-facility feature, you
service for character-cell terminals in ACMS applica-
can relate ACMS events with events from multiple lay-
tions. In addition, ACMS provides support for HP TDMS.
ered products.
ACMS applications that use TDMS must be distributed
in order to use ACMS on OpenVMS Alpha. See the
Task Queuing
HP ACMS for OpenVMS Writing Applications manual
for more information about these restrictions.
Some ACMS applications require that the data be col-
lected and stored in a temporary storage area (queue)
The TP Desktop Connector and TPware .NET Plugin
for the application to process at another time. The
provides an API that allows user-written program run-
ACMS queuing facility lets users create and manage
ning on various PC or workstation desktop systems to
ACMS task queues. ACMS queue services are used to
initiate and respond to ACMS tasks. A wide range of
place/remove tasks on/off ACMS task queues.
HP and third-party desktop tools can be used for the
development of client presentation services and appli-
Data Dictionary
ACMS supports the Oracle CDD/Repository data dic-
ACMS also provides support for other presentation ser-
ACMS stores application definitions in Or-
vice products through the ACMS Request Interface
acle CDD/Repository directories and uses Oracle
and Systems Interface.
The Request Interface lets
CDD/Repository record definitions for its workspaces.
users use presentation services other than DECforms
or TDMS for I/O functions limited to one user per pro-
cess. The Systems Interface lets users use presentation
ACMS ensures that the user’s data remains secure by
services for single-user or multiple-user I/O functions.
giving the system manager control over which users
Database Management
have access to ACMS. Using OpenVMS and ACMS au-
thorization facilities, system managers can:
ACMS includes support in its definition language for
starting and ending database transactions/recovery
• Authorize users to use ACMS.
units through a database management system. Database
• Control terminals connecting to ACMS.
products supported include Oracle Rdb (including SQL),
• Limit the applications a user can run.
Using the DECdtm component of the OpenVMS oper-
• Prevent unauthorized access to the operating system
ating system, ACMS lets users coordinate operations
while running ACMS tasks.
on multiple recoverable resources (such as databases
and files) within a single atomic transaction. Users
ACMS includes transaction security in the form of ac-
can perform operations on multiple databases through
cess control lists (ACLs) in the definition language.
a single transaction and ensure atomicity (that is, if
Whenever a user selects a transaction, that user’s
the transaction fails, any changes made to databases,
OpenVMS identifier is checked against the ACL defined
files, or ACMS queues are rolled back to their previous
for that transaction to determine whether that user is
state before the transaction started). Please note that
allowed to execute that transaction.
RMS Journaling for OpenVMS is required to support re-
OpenVMS Cluster Environment/Availability
coverable ACMS queue operations coordinated using
DECdtm. RMS Journaling for OpenVMS is a separate
In an OpenVMS Cluster environment, ACMS applica-
layered product, distinct from RMS, and is supplied with
tions support highly available configurations that help
avoid single points of system failure.
ACMS applications can also access other data manage-
ACMS includes support for failover in an OpenVMS
ment products or file management systems that support
Cluster environment. If one OpenVMS Cluster proces-
the OpenVMS Calling Standard.
sor is not available to process a transaction, ACMS can
automatically route the transaction to another applica-
tion running on an available processor that shares the
same data.