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• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV tech ni cian for help. CAUTION Modifi cations The FCC requires the user to be notifi ed that any changes or mod i fi ca tions made to this device that are not ex press ly ap proved by Nikon Corporation may void the user’s au thor i ty to operate the equipment. Nikon Inc., 1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, New York 11747-3064, U.S.A. Tel.: 631-547-4200 Notice for customers in Canada CAUTION This Class B digital apparatus meets all re quire ments of the Ca na di an In ter fer ence-Causing Equip ment Reg u la tions. ATTENTION Cet appareil numerique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Reglement sur le materiel brouilleur du Can a da. . Important After removing the battery chamber cover and the MB-D100 connector cover from the cam era, be sure to in sert them in the appropriate hold ers on the MBD100 to avoid loss. Precautions for Use • Do not use the MB-D100 with devices not de scribed in this manual. • Do not use the MB-D100 with batteries of types not described in this man u al. • In the unlikely event that a problem should occur in the operation of this device, dis con tin ue use imme di ate ly and take the equip ment to a Nikon autho rized service cen ter or technician for in spec tion and re pair. • A short-circuit will result if the power ter mi nals are brought into contact with metal objects. Re place the terminal cover when transporting or stor ing the de vice. Parts of the MB-D100 (Figure 1) 1 Terminal cover 2 Battery-chamber cover holder 3 Signal contact 1 4 Holder for MB-D100 connector cover 5 Mounting screw 6 Signal contact 2 7 Ten-pin remote terminal 8 Ten-pin remote terminal cap 9 Built-in speaker 10 Voice memo record/playback button 11 Voice memo record/playback lamp 12 Built-in microphone 13 Battery-chamber cover latch 14 Mounting screw knob 15 AE-L/AF-L and focus area selector button 16 Main command dial for taking pho to graphs in ver ti cal (por trait) orientation 17 Power terminals 18 Sub-command dial for taking pho to graphs in ver ti cal (por trait) orientation 19 Shutter-release button for taking pho to graphs in ver ti cal (portrait) orientation 20 Control lock 21 Tripod mount 22 MS-D100 holder for LR6 (AA) batteries Using the MB-D100 Multi-Function Battery Pack Attaching the MB-D100 (Figure 2) Before attaching the multi-function bat tery pack (re ferred to below as the MB-D100), confi rm that the cam era pow er switch is in the off position and that the MB-D100 con trol lock (item 20 in Figure 1) is in the locked po si tion. If a battery is in place in the camera battery chamber, re move the battery. 1 Remove the terminal cover from the MB-D100. Af ter re mov al, the terminal cover can be thread ed onto the cam era strap or a sim i lar object to prevent loss. 2 After opening the battery-chamber cov er on the bottom of the camera, remove the battery-cham ber cov er as shown in Figure 2 (a) and place it in the MB-D100 bat tery cover holder (item 2 in Figure 1). 3 Remove the MB-D100 connector cover from the bot tom of the camera as shown in Figure 2 (b) and place it in the holder on the MB-D100 (item 4 in Figure 1). 5 Rotate the mounting screw knob (item 14 in Fig ure 1) to tight en the mounting screw as shown in Figure 2 (d). Reverse the order of the above steps to re move the MB-D100. Inserting Batteries The MB-D100 takes one or two re charge able Nikon ENEL3 lithium ion bat ter ies, or, when used with the MS-D100 hold er (item 22 in Figure 1), six LR6 (AA) batteries. . Important • When attaching or removing the MB-D100, be sure the cam era is off and that the MB-D100 control lock is in the locked po si tion. • When attaching a PB-6 bellows focusing at tach ment (avail able separately) to the D100, use the PB-6D and PK-13 auto-ex ten sion ring. 3 Close the battery-chamber cover and ro tate the MBD100 battery-cham ber cover latch as shown in Fig ure 2 (h) to latch the cover. 4 Turn the camera on and check the bat tery level in the cam era control pan el. The MS-D100 holder and batteries can be re moved by reversing the or der of the above steps, paying at ten tion to the clips that hold the holder and batteries in place. The Control Lock The control lock (item 20 in Figure 1) locks the shut terre lease button and main and sub-command di als for tak ing pho to graphs in vertical (por trait) ori en ta tion and the AE-L/AF-L and fo cus area se lec tor button, pre vent ing ac ci den tal op er a tion. It is not a pow er switch. Use the cam era pow er switch to turn the camera and the MB-D100 on and off. The Shutter-Release Button and Command Dials for Taking Photographs in Portrait Orientation The MB-D100 is equipped with a shut ter-re lease but ton (item 19 in Figure 1), main com mand dial (item 16), and sub-com mand dial (item 18) for tak ing pho to graphs in ver ti cal (por trait) orientation. These con trols perform the same func tions as the cam era shutter-re lease but ton, main com mand dial, and sub-com mand dial, re spec tiv...