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К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
HP for Reliability and
HP’s OpenView Firehunter provides
HP Has the Experience
new ways to visualize and correlate
There is more to a complete
HP products have earned an
critical information gathered within
solution than using the right server,
outstanding reputation for reliability
Internet Service Provider
no matter how reliable and well
over the years. One reason is the
environments. And HP OpenView
designed that server is. You need a
quality HP engineers put into our
ManageX/SE simplifies management
supplier that can assist you at any
server designs. For example, HP
for customers by taking the
stage, from design and architectural
NetServers come with redundant,
guesswork out of isolating errors—
planning to implementation and
hot-swappable components such as
whether generated by hardware, the
long-term service and support. HP is
fans and power supplies. The
Windows NT® operating system, or
a world leader in everything needed
modular design, front-loading bays,
applications. It also increases
for complete, robust, scalable
and hot-swappable disks in HP
availability by providing the built-in
solutions—professional consulting
NetServers make it easy to add or
tools for performance, event, and
services, partnership with ISVs,
replace components. Automatic
applications management across
proven server and network
server restart, error checking and
heterogeneous systems and
management technology,
correcting (ECC) system memory
clusters. All of these products
outstanding service and support,
and processor cache, and optional
integrate easily within HP
global reach, and expertise in
triple-channel HP NetRAID disk
OpenView Network Node Manager
Windows NT and UNIX®
controllers also contribute to a
to create a powerful, unified
environments. Choosing HP
complete solution that maximizes
solution that helps you keep HP
NetServers lowers your risks and
your uptime, maintains high levels
NetServers running night and day,
positions your organization for long-
of customer availability, and
every day.
term success. For more
reduces your service costs.
information, see
HP TopTools Remote Control
HP’s Management Capabilities
Fit Service Provider Needs
Because the need for remote
HP and Internet Service
administration tools is greater than
Providers as Partners
HP is long known as an industry
ever, HP has developed the HP
leader in management solutions.
HP views Internet Service Providers
TopTools Remote Control Card. The
not only as customers but also as
HP TopTools Remote Control PCI
HP TopTools is a Web browser-
valued partners. HP works with you
Card extends the functionality of
based device management
to provide complete solutions with
HP TopTools by allowing secure
application that manages HP
HP products and services as well as
remote access over the LAN
servers, desktops, mobiles, hubs
best-in-class third-party products to
regardless of the system state, even
and switches, and printers from a
help you meet your customers’
if the NOS is down, even if the
single application. HP TopTools
power is down! This PCI card offers
automatically and continuously
access to the system event log,
monitors key environmental events
console redirection, and power
and critical system components.
control features for faster
When you want to evaluate system
troubleshooting and problem
health or plan your future capacity
resolution. Use your Web browser
needs, rely on HP TopTools.
to take control of your
HP NetServers anytime, anywhere.
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Компьютеры - HP NetServer LC 2000 (64.06 kb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer LC 2000r (64.06 kb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer LC II (64.06 kb)
Компьютеры - HP NetServer LC Plus (64.06 kb)