К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
containing lines that match the given patterns. These file names are printed in the same format found in
SEARCHLOG output files. If you specify $STDLIST as the output file argument for MATCHLOG, HP
Search displays the names of the files with matching lines and saves these names in the temporary output
file SRCHMTCH. When displaying the MATCHLOG information on your terminal screen, HP Search
prints the line "Files with matches:" before printing the file names.
Output from Subsystem Breaks
To interrupt a search in progress, press "Controly". When you do this, HP Search will print one of the
following three message types:
Beginning search on first file.
Beginning search in file MYFILE.MYGROUP.ACCOUNT
Currently searching file MYFILE.MYGROUP.ACCOUNT, line nnn
This message will be followed with the prompt:
Press [RETURN] to continue or type "n" to exit.
If you stop a search with Control y and do not resume searching to conclusion, HP Search creates the
SRCHPAT, SRCHLOG, and SRCHMTCH files with all of the information processed at the time of the
Control y. HP Search redirects the output to those files specified in the PATTERNLOG, SEARCHLOG, or
MATCHLOG options.
The Indexing File
HP Search has an optional feature that streams a batch job to update the HP Search indexing file. The
indexing file is SRCHnnn.PUB (where "nnn " is the system language number). It contains information
that allows HP Search to avoid searching the areas in a file where a specified pattern cannot possibly
reside. This information improves search performance by reducing the number of disc sectors that HP
Search needs to look at, thus reducing the time needed to complete the search. Indexing information for
all files specified is kept in one file. Information generated in later searches is added to this file.
Advantage of Using Indexing
After placing information about your files in the indexing file, HP Search can look for patterns much faster
than it could without the indexing file. For any search you specify, HP Search uses existing indexing
information even if the INDEX option is not specified.
How Indexing Works
Specifying the INDEX option on the command line applies to all files searched. The first time a file is
searched, HP Search does not have indexes for the file, so it must look in every line for the patterns you
have specified. After the search has been completed, HP Search determines which files need indexing and
streams a batch job that updates the indexing file. HP Search updates the indexing file for the following
types of files:
Files that have never been indexed.
Files that have been indexed but have since been modified.
You will be prompted for passwords before HP Search starts the batch job:
Streaming job to update indexes in SRCHnnn.PUB.
Enter account password:
If necessary, HP Search also prompts you for your user and account passwords before streaming the job.
After the job has been submitted successfully, HP Search displays the job number on your terminal screen.
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...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Программное обеспечение - MPE/iX 6.5 Operating System (64.92 kb)
Программное обеспечение - MPE/iX 7.0 Operating System (64.92 kb)
Программное обеспечение - MPE/iX 7.5 Operating System (64.92 kb)