К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
exit /b %returncode%
b) In the Choose the script operating system field, select Windows and click Next.
c) In the Script Run Location field, select On the client computer.
d) In the Automation pre-boot environment field, select WinPE Managed (64 bit).
8. Add a Run Script task to deploy the captured MSDATA image. Follow these steps:
a) Select Run this script and enter the following script:
rem Deploying MSDATA partition
%ALTIRIS_SHARE%\waik\tools\ia64\imagex /apply
%ALTIRIS_SHARE%\hpfeatures\ws6-ia64-en_us\images\w2k8image.wim 1 C:\
b) In the Choose the script operating system field, select Windows and click Next.
c) In the Script Run Location field, select On the client computer.
d) In the Automation pre-boot environment field, select WinPE Managed (64 bit).
9. Add a Run Script task to modify the BCD settings. Follow these steps:
a) Select Run this script and enter the following script:
rem Setting BCD
Bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device partition=z:
Bcdedit /set {memdiag} device partition=z:
Bcdedit /set {default} device partition=c:
Bcdedit /set {default} osdevice partition=c:
Bcdedit /set {FWbootmgr} displayorder {Bootmgr} /addfirst
b) In the Choose the script operating system field, select Windows and click Next.
c) In the Script Run Location field, select On the client computer.
d) In the Automation pre-boot environment field, select WinPE Managed (64 bit).
10. Add a Run Script task to create a sysprep-deploy.xml file to be used by Windows mini-
setup. Follow these steps:
a) Select Run this script and enter the following script:
rem Configure sysprep File
set featuredir=%ALTIRIS_SHARE%\hpfeatures\ws6-ia64-en_us
copy /y "%featuredir%\sysprep-deploy.xml" "%featuredir%\sysprep-%ID%.xml"
set compname=%#*"select right(replace([name],' ',''),15) from computer
where computer_id={ID}"%
set productkey=%ws6-ia64-en_us-productkey%
set driverpath=%featuredir%\oem\drivers
"%featuredir%\bin\hptoken.exe" "%featuredir%\sysprep-%ID%.xml"
copy /y "%featuredir%\sysprep-%ID%.xml" C:\windows\panther\unattend.xml
b) In the Choose the script operating system field, select Windows and click Next.
c) In the Script Run Location field, select On the client computer.
d) In the Automation pre-boot environment field, select WinPE Managed (64 bit).
11. Add a Distribute Software task to re-install minimal ISP components. Follow these steps:
a) In the Name field, enter .\hpfeatures\ws6-ia64-en_us\oem\sysprep-post.cmd.
b) Select Copy all directory files.
12. Add a Power Control task. Following these steps:
a) Select Restart.
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Компьютеры - HP Integrity BL860c Server Blade (122 kb)