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troubleshooting This chapter summarises the most common problems you could encounter with the appliance. If you are unable to solve the problem with the information below, contact the Customer Care Centre in your countr y. Problem Possible cause Solution The fried food does not have a golden brown colour and/or is not crispy. The oil or fat is not clean anymore. Change the oil or fat. Remember to reset the ReFresh button after that. See chapter ‘Using the appliance’, section ‘ReFresh indication’

To achieve this, remove all excess ice from frozen ingredients before you fry them and dry ingredients thoroughly before you fry them. Do not overfill the basket. After cleaning, dry all parts thoroughly before you put oil or fat in the fryer. --Do not fry Asian rice cakes (or similar types of food) in this appliance. This might cause heavy spattering or violent bubbling of the oil or fat. --Make sure the fryer is always filled with oil or fat to a level between the ‘MIN’ and ‘MAX’ indications o

-Aparatul nu este destinat actionarii prin intermediul unui cronometru exterior sau al unui sistem separat de telecomanda. Campuri electromagnetice (EMF) Acest aparat Philips respecta toate standardele referitoare la campuri electromagnetice (EMF). Daca este manevrat corespunzator si in conformitate cu instructiunile din acest manual, aparatul este sigur conform dovezilor stiintifice disponibile in prezent. Inainte de prima utilizare 1 2 3 Demontati toate componentele amovibile. Curatati toate c

The taste of the oil or fat will now be neutral again. A healthy diet Specialists in the field of healthy food and drink advise the use of vegetable oils and fats that contain unsaturated fatty acids (such as linoleic acid). However, these oils and fats lose their favourable properties more quickly than other oils and fats, so you will have to change them more often. Stick to the following guidelines: -Change the oil or fat regularly. If you mainly use the fryer to prepare French fries and if yo

Nigdy nie zanurzaj ani nie plucz w wodzie panelu sterujacego z elementem grzejnym.W raziepotrzeby wyczysc je wilgotna szmatka. Do czyszczenia urzadzenia nigdy nie uzywaj czyscikow, srodkow sciernych ani zracych plynow, takich jak benzyna lub aceton. Zdejmij pokrywke. (rys. 3) Wyjmij koszyk z frytownicy. Wyjmij panel sterowania wraz z elementem grzejnym z frytownicy i umiesc je w bezpiecznym, suchym miejscu. (rys. 13) Wyjmij tacke na wode z frytownicy i oproznij ja. Wyjmij wewnetrzna mise z urzad

Roll up the cord, put it into the cord storage compartment and insert the cord in the cord fixing facility (Fig. 18). 10 EnglisH Lift the fryer by its hand grips. Frying tips -For an over view of preparation times and temperature settings, see chapter ‘Quantities, temperatures and fr ying times’. -Carefully shake off as much ice and water as possible and dab the food to be fried until it is properly dr y. -Do not fr y large quantities at one time. Consult chapter ‘Quantities, temperatures and fr

1 2 3 If the fat gets very cold, it may start spattering when melted. 4 Punch some holes in the resolidified fat with a fork to prevent this (fig. 2). Be careful not to damage the inner bowl with the fork. Using the appliance Frying Be careful: hot steam will escape from the filter in the lid during frying. Take the entire cord from the cord storage compartment and put the plug in the wall socket (fig. 3). ENGLISH Make sure the mains cord does not come into contact with hot parts of the applianc