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Категория: CD-проигрыватели

If this is not true, the kind of recorder concerned will be written in the text. 4.1. Mode key Choice of the functioning mode of the recorder: . DIRECT mode: real-time paper-printing of the measured signals (ESCORT 3008B only) -use: immediate writing on paper, long-term slow acquisition -possibilities: complex triggering of the writing, action after the end of the writing, simultaneous recording in internal memory or on a file . MEMORY mode: fast acquisition in internal memory of the measured si

Скачали: 13   Размер: 2 mb   Производитель: Escort  
Категория: CD-проигрыватели

You will find with your recorder a CD-ROM including: -The user s manual of the ESCORT 3016B, ESCORT 3008B and ESCORT 3004B appliance -the "ESCORT View" software that allows you to save and work with your recording files under Windows . We would like you to read carefully this user s manual for an optimum use of your recorder. Copyright ESCORT, 2006. All rights reserved Any copy of this document, totally or partially, is submitted to an autorisation by ESCORT. GARANTY Your instrument is guarantee

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Категория: CD-проигрыватели

Stop: stop condition of the acquisition -Automatic: when the block is full -Trigger: with an association of the analogical or logical channels -see Chapter6 Trigger Trigger mode Double Trigger: see below Memory mode . Following: actions after the end of the acquisition -Stop: no action -Ream: waiting for the start condition -Change Setup: loading a configuration and waiting for the start trigger 11.2. Limits Real-time acquisitions on file are limited by the transfer rate between the inputs and t
