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Instruction Leaflet INFO-LINE If after having read this leaflet, you have any questions or comments on your air cleaner, call 1-800-253-2764 in North America. . AIR CLEANER SAFETY PLEASE READ AND SAVE THESE IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and injury to persons, including the following: • Read all instructions before using appliance. • To avoid fire and shock hazard, plug

NIGHTLIGHT Your EnviroCheckTM Wireless Air Quality Center has a built in nightlight which automatically turns on as your room gets dark. To turn off this nightlight press the "+" and "-" buttons at the same time. To turn this function back on simply press both buttons again. NOTE: When any button is pressed the backlight will come on for a few seconds. Once no buttons are pressed again for 5 seconds the light will go off. Air Quality Sensor Your Bionaire® Air Cleaner comes with an Air Quality Se

• Urzadzenie nie bylo w zaden sposob modyfikowane, nie uzywano go w niewlasciwy sposob ani tez nie bylo naprawiane przez osobe nie posiadajaca autoryzacji firmy Holmes Products Europe. • Usterki, ktore wystepuja w wyniku normalnego zuzycia wyrobu nie sa objete niniejsza gwarancja. • Uzytkownikowi kupujacemu uzywane urzadzenie lub uzytkujacemu je do celow zarobkowych lub publicznych nie przysluguja zadne prawa na mocy niniejszej gwarancji. • Na naprawione lub wymienione urzadzenie zostanie udziel

2. If you need to exchange the unit, please it in its original carton, with a sales the store where you purchased 3 BAP242I/IUK03M1 visual.qxd 7/2/03 7:42 PM TROUBLESHOOTING Problem Solution Unit will not operate Check to make sure the unit is plugged in Check to make sure the unit is on by turning the knob If the door is not shut properly, the unit will not operate. Make sure the filters are properly installed and firmly close the door. Decreased air flow If the filters have not been changed fo