К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
For current data migration storage system support and up-to-date operating system version support,
see the SPOCK website at http://www.hp.com/storage/spock. You must sign up for an HP Passport
to enable access.
Data migration considerations
MPX200 connectivity to P6000/EVA storage as a data migration destination array is obtained
through a Fibre Channel switch configured in the same fabric as the MPX200 Fibre Channel ports.
When the data migration operation is complete, server connectivity to the P6000/EVA storage
system must be configured based on current P6000/EVA support for operating systems, HBAs,
and multipath software. For current operating system/version and data migration storage system
support, see the SPOCK website at http://www.hp.com/storage/spock. You must sign up for an
HP Passport to enable access.
HP P6000 Continuous Access SAN integration
HP P6000 Continuous Access is supported in a heterogeneous SAN, provided that you follow the
rules described in Table 115 (page 226).
Table 115 HP P6000 Continuous Access heterogeneous SAN configuration rules
HP strongly recommends that all HP P6000 Continuous Access deployments implement level 4 NSPOF
SANs using two or more separate fabrics. See “Data availability” (page 38).
HP P6000 Continuous Access supports a subset of operating systems listed in this guide, which limits the
types of servers that can reside in the HP P6000 Continuous Access management zone. For more
information, see the HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array Compatibility Reference at http://www.hp.com/
The maximum number of switches and switch hops supported in a fabric with HP P6000 Continuous Access
is based on the limits for B-series, C-series, and H-series fabrics. All active and standby links must conform
to the switch hop limits, including the host-to-local storage link, the local storage-to-remote storage link,
and the local host-to-remote storage link. For more information, see the HP P6000 Continuous Access
Implementation Guide at http://h18006.www1.hp.com/products/storage/software/conaccesseva/
index.html and the switch and fabric rules. For switch and fabric rules, see:
• “B-series switches and fabric rules” (page 91)
• “C-series switches and fabric rules” (page 122)
• “H-series switches and fabric rules” (page 138)
For HP P6000 Continuous Access with XCS version 09534000 (or later), HP supports two storage system
data replication protocols: the HP-FC protocol and the HP SCSI-FCP protocol. You must configure the Fibre
Channel switches based on which data replication protocol you use.
For H-series switches, you must use the HP SCSI FC Compliant Data Replication Protocol.
Shared usage of HP P6000 Continuous Access-configured storage systems by non-HP P6000 Continuous
Access-configured servers (for example, a single HBA or an operating system without multipathing support)
or non-HP P6000 Continuous Access-supported operating systems is not supported.
For information about supported versions of clustering software and Secure Path, contact an HP storage
Each HP P6000 Continuous Access implementation can contain 16 EVAs; each EVA is limited to 256
HBAs. With 2 HBAs per server, 128 servers are possible. Multiple HP P6000 Continuous Access solutions
can exist in the same SAN, provided that no solution exceeds the 16-array limit, imposed by zoning.
The maximum number of copy sets, DR groups, and remote copy sets is based on the EVA storage system
model and controller software version (see the HP P6000 Enterprise Virtual Array Compatibility Reference).
On all storage systems, the limit is the total number of DR groups and copy sets that are either a source
or a destination. When replicating across storage systems with different limits, the lower limit applies to
the storage system replication pair.
226 P6000/EVA storage system rules
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