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1 GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX
11i v3
This document contains information about GigEther-01 Gigabit Ethernet Driver supported on HP-UX
11i v3 for the September 2011 release.
What is new in this release?
The following information describes the updates to the HP-UX-based Gigabit ethernet driver called
igelan. The GigEther-01 software bundle, which is loaded into the operating environment (OE),
contains the igelan driver.
The September 2011 version of the HP-UX 11i v3 GigEther-01 software bundle contains defect
fixes. For more information on the defect fixes in the release, see “Defects fixed in this release”
(page 4).
Defects fixed in this release
Table 1 lists the defects fixed in this release.
Table 1 Defects fixed in B.11.31.1109
Defect ID
Defect description
If a virtual NIC is configured using an Accelerated Virtual Input/Output
(AVIO) Lan after the guest online migration, the HPVM guest becomes
inaccessible. This problem occurs with GigEther-01 B.11.31.1103. This
defect is fixed in this release.
When a guest virtual NIC is created on the igelan interface, there is a
synchronization issue between the host and the guest in the receive path
that causes the HPVM host to panic. This defect is fixed in this release.
Related document
The GigEther-01 documentation is available on the Business Support Center (BSC) website at
GigEther-01 (igelan) Gigabit Ethernet Driver for HP-UX 11i v3