К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
347416 frames input, 20028116 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
0 CRC, 0 unknown class
0 too long, 0 too short
347409 frames output, 15423296 bytes
0 discards, 0 errors
34 input OLS, 6 LRR, 1 NOS, 0 loop inits
17 output OLS, 8 LRR, 32 NOS, 11 loop inits
16 receive B2B credit remaining
16 transmit B2B credit remaining
Expected Behavior from Fibre Channel Services
While in “Interoperability mode”, all the fibre channel services from each of the switch types
may not work the same as in Native Mode. However, the following behavior is expected in an
interoperating fabric.
Zoning: All zones will be done with port level device WWNs only. Thus each switch type
will implement zoning in its native form as if only port level device WWNs were used.
Other types of zoning definition are not supported.
FSPF: The routing of frames within the fabric is not changed by the introduction of
interoperability mode. However, note that the MDS-9000 will continue to use
src-id/dst-id/ox-id to load balance across multiple ISL links, while M-Series will use their
default src-id/dst-id, so the return route may be different from the initial route when
passing through an MDS-9000.
Trunking/Port-Channels: Trunking and Port-channels continue to work between
switches of the same series only if they are allowed by the vendor’s “interoperability
mode.” See Table 1 and Table 2 for more details.
Domain IDs: A switch may have to change its domain ID to the range 97-127. This is to
accommodate 31domain address limitation followed by some vendors. If a domain ID is
changed (which can be a disruptive event to the switch), all devices attached to the switch
will need to re login to the switch. When domain IDs are changed, the switch itself will
need to reregister with the principal switch in the fabric to verify domain ID uniqueness.
— This is a switch wide event on M-series and hence requires setting the switch offline
temporarily. So plan accordingly when changing the domain ID.
— This event is limited to the vsan on C-series where the change is taking place. The
MDS switch can perform this action, as the domain manager process for this vsan is
restarted and not the entire switch. This still would require any devices logged into the
vsan on that switch to re-login to obtain a new FCID.
Fabric Interoperability: Merging Fabrics Based on C-Series and M-Series Fibre Channel Switches Application Notes
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