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К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
For information about errors encountered during the installation, removal, reinstallation,
and verification of the HP PCI Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Fibre Channel driver, see the error log files
at /var/adm/sw.
Known Problems and Workarounds
Following is the known problem and workaround in the HP PCI Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Fibre
Channel driver:
Problem: The A6795A Fibre Channel adapter settles in the Public Loop topology as opposed
to the Point to Point Fabric topology when connected to a 4Gb Fibre Channel Brocade Switch
Symptom: The /opt/fcms/bin/fcmsutil /dev/
in the output instead of the
expected PTTOPT_FABRIC output, against the Topology field.The /dev/
file that corresponds to the A6795A Fibre Channel adapter that is connected to the 4Gb
Brocade Switch port.
Workaround: Configure the Brocade switch port that is connected to the A6795A Fibre
Channel adapter, as G port. Use the telnet command to connect to the switch. To enable the
G port settings, enter the following command at the switch prompt:
switch> portcfggport
The following message is displayed at the switch prompt:
Committing configuration...done.
For more information about the portcfggport command, use the help command:
switch> help portcfggport
For detailed information about the portcfggport command, see the manpage and Release
Notes for the Brocade switch present at:
To turn off the G port settings, enter the following command at the switch prompt:
switch> portcfggport
The following message is displayed at the switch prompt:
Committing configuration...done.
Defects Fixed in This Release
Table 1-2 lists the defects fixed in this release of the Fibre Channel PCI Tachyon XL2 driver.
Table 1-2 Defects Fixed
QXCR1000821452 After executing the command /usr/sbin/swremove on the product bundle FibrChanl-00,
running applications that use SNIA library will lead to logging of shl_load/dlopen failed
error messages in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.
QXCR1000823033 The system panics when a high time-out value (exceeding 32bit) is passed from SCSI services
layer to the driver.
Related Information
For more information about the HP PCI Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Fibre Channel driver, see the
following documentation available at:
Known Problems and Workarounds