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Инструкция по эксплуатации Yamaha, модель DM2000

Производитель: Yamaha
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G LFE control This rotary control is used to set the LFE level for the selected Input Channel. Studio Manager—Owner’s Manual GEQ Editor Window 36 GEQ Editor Window 36 w To open the GEQ Editor window, choose GEQ Editor from the Windows menu. The GEQ Editor window displays the controls of the GEQs. 2 31 54 6 7 8 A MODULE parameter This parameter is used to select a GEQ. B INSERT parameter This parameter is used to select the insertion point for the selected GEQ. C LINK buttons These buttons are used to link the controls of two or more GEQs together. The linked GEQ’s settings are copied from the currently selected GEQ. D GEQ display E LIBRARY button This button is not used in Version 1.0 of Studio Manager. F GEQ ON button This button is used to turn on and off (bypass) the GEQ. The button is colored green when the GEQ is on. G GEQ controls section This section contains the controls for setting the boost or cut level of each GEQ band. The EQ FLAT button on the bottom right of the section, resets the controls to their zero position. H LIMIT buttons These buttons are used to select the boost and cut range of the GEQ controls. Studio Manager—Owner’s Manual 37 Chapter 7—Timecode Counter Window 37 Chapter 7—Timecode Counter Window w To open the Timecode Counter window, choose Timecode Counter from the Windows menu. The Timecode Counter window displays the DM2000’s timecode in the same format as that visible on the DM2000 Automix Main page, i.e., Time display (Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Frames), or Measure display (Measure, Beat, Clock). Studio Manager—Owner’s Manual Keyboard Shortcuts 38 Keyboard Shortcuts 38 s The following table shows Studio Manager’s keyboard shortcuts. Shortcut Action Windows Mac File Menu Ctrl+N Command-N Creates a new Session. Ctrl+O Command-O Opens an existing Session. Ctrl+S Command-S Saves the Session currently open. You are prompted to enter a name if it’s a new Session. Windows Menu Ctrl+W Command-W Closes the currently selected Studio Manager window except the Console window. Ctrl+Alt+W Commandoption- W Closes all Studio Manager windows except the Console window. Ctrl+1 Command-1 Opens or closes the Selected Channel window. Ctrl+2 Command-2 Not used in Version 1.0 of Studio Manager. Ctrl+3 Command-3 Opens or closes the Patch Editor window. Ctrl+4 Command-4 Opens or closes the Surround Editor window. Ctrl+5 Command-5 Opens or closes the Timecode Counter window. Ctrl+6 Command-6 Not used in Version 1.0 of Studio Manager. Ctrl+7 Command-7 Opens or closes the Graphic Equalizer Editor window. Studio Manager—Owner’s Manual 39 Index 39 Index A AUTO button 17 Aux Send levels setting 17, 23 Aux Sends Console window view of 20 Selected Channel view of 25 Aux Sends, selecting pre or post 23 B Bus Out, routing 16, 23 Bus Outs Console window view of 20 Selected Channel view of 24 Bus to Stereo button 20 C Channel meter 17 Channels muting. See ON button selecting using Channel Select 22 selecting. See SELECT button soloing. See SOLO button COMP button 16, 20 Compressor 23 Connecting to the DM2000 12 Console Device ID, setting 13 Console window 15 D DELAY button 16, 20 DIRECT button 16 DM2000 port setting 12 E Effects, patching Internal Effects 33 EQ button 16, 20 EQ, setting channel EQ 16, 23 Equalizer 23 F Faders Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Matrix Sends 20 Input Channels 17 Remote Layer Channels 21 Stereo Out 18 Follow Pan control 23 G Gate 22 GATE button 16 GEQ Editor window 36 GEQs, inserting 36 I Input Channels Console window view of 16 Selected Channel view of 22 INSERT button 16, 20 Inserting GEQs 36 Installing Software for Mac 8 for Windows 3 K Keyboard shortcuts 38 L LAYER buttons 18 LFE control 17 LIBRARY button 22 LINK button Compressor 23 Gate 23 Long Channel name 22 editing 22, 30 M Master Section 18 Online/Offline indicator 18 Matrix Sends Console window view of 20 Selected Channel view of 28 Meter, channel level 17 Meters in 3-1 & 5.1 Surround modes 19 Stereo Out 18 Muting channels. See ON button O OMS, Installing 8 Setting up 11 ON button Bus Outs, Aux Sends, Matrix Sends 20, 25 Input Channels 17, 23 Remote Layer Channels 21, 29 Stereo Out 18, 27 Online & Offline status 14 Opening, Sessions 14, 38 P Pairing, channels 24 PAN CONTROL 18 Patch Editor window 30 Patching, from within Console window Direct Out 16 input source 16 Patching, from within Selected Channel window channel Inserts 24 Direct Out 23 input source 23 Patching, Internal Effects 33 PHASE button 16 Ports, setting on the DM2000 12 Q Quitting Studio Manager 13 R Remote Layer Channels Console window view of 21 Selected Channel view of 29 Re-synchronizing 14 ROUTING buttons. See Bus Out, routing S Saving 38 SELECT button Aux Sends, Bus Outs, Matrix Sends 20 Input Channels 17 Remote Layer Channels 21 Stereo Out 18 Selected Channel window 22 selecting channels from 22 Sessions 14 creating, opening, saving 38 Setting up OMS 11 Setup, System Setup dialog 13 Short Channel name, editing 17 Shortcuts, keyboard 38 Software installation for Mac ...

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