
Precor P20

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Категория: Тренажеры

45 The Optional Power Adapter Kit .................................................... 45 Replacing the Battery ........................................................................ 46 Commercial Cardiovascular Equipment Limited Warranty ..... 47 Chapter 1 Assembling the AMT Important: The instructions in the following procedures are described from the perspective of a person standing directly in front of the equipment (that is, on the opposite side of the control console from a person using

Precor 5.23

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Категория: Тренажеры

However, the arrow keys do affect what appears on the display. Refer to Selecting a Program. ••••• 18 Changing the Display Features Using the SELECT Key Use the SELECT key to choose which feature appears on the display. When you enter a program, TIME and PROFILE are preselected and will appear in the center display. You can display different information while you exercise by pressing the appropriate SELECT key. When the light next to the feature turns on, the information appears in t

Precor 5.33

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Категория: Тренажеры

The test score will not be accurate because no reception (and therefore no measurement) of the heart rate was available at the end of the test period. Fitness Test Scores When you complete the fitness test, your cardiorespiratory fitness category is shown in the workout summary. Refer to Table 6 and Table 7. Note: If no heart rate is detected at the end of the fourth minute and through to the end of the test, N/A appears as the fitness score. Tables 6 and 7 show the desired range in fitness

Precor P30

Скачали: 28Размер: 5 mb    Производитель: Precor  
Категория: Игровые приставки

Climber RESISTANCE Changes the height of the column and affects the Custom Program step resistance. 4. When you have set the column height, press the down arrow key on the navigational keypad to move to the next column. You can press the up arrow key to return to previous columns. 5. Continue adjusting the profile for each column. Note: Two custom programs are available on the treadmill. Some Precor products contain only one custom program. The prompt indicates which one you have accessed. To se

Precor Bicycle-mounted Child Seat C846

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Категория: Велосипеды

• to ensure the proper use and safety of the unit, make sure that all users read this manual. Please make this manual a part of your club’s training program. Remind the club users that before beginning any fitness program, they should obtain a complete physical examination from their physician. Il est conseille de subir un examen medical complet avant d’entre-prendre tout programme d’exercise. Si vous avez des etourdissements ou des faiblesses, arretez les exercices immediatement. To reduce the

Precor C952i

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Категория: Тренажеры

T hese instructions are wri tten to protec t the uni t and ensure the s a fety of those using the treadmil. • B efore begining any fitnes prog r a m, make sure al users see a phys ician for a complete phys ical ex amination. Il est conseile de subir un examen medical complet avant d’ent r eprendre tout programme d’exercise. Si vous avez des etourdisements ou des faible sses, aretez les exercices immediatement. T o r e duce the risk of electric al shoc k always unplug the tr eadmill fr om its pow

Precor C966i

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Категория: Тренажеры

To allow us to serve you better, please take a few moments to complete and return your warranty registration. YOU MAY ALSO REGISTER ONLINE AT If you have questions or need additional information, contact your local dealer or call Precor Commercial Products Customer Support at 888-665-4404. Thank You and Welcome to Precor atedporPrecor Incor ue NEenv20031 142nd A x 7202PO Bo 98072-4002AW, villeoodinW ECPLA AMPST HERE Fold along dotted line and tape closed before mailing. COMM. Which best describe

Precor HANDBOEK EFX 556i

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Категория: Тренажеры

Upper Body Arms Smar tRate RESET C R O S S R A M P ENTER QUICKST AR T TM R E S I S T A N C E 3 Cross Country Naslag: Programma’s 25 P rogramma Interval Het progr a ma Interval is ideal om uw conditie te verbeteren. Elk progr a mhae vrheAarhlasol duoe gelitje ken un iw nvt eeinrrlsvaapalagpntr ongigenrdgusnreivnedaeu .en bepalde tijdsperiode a mma selecteert, wordt u gevr aagd een tr ainingsdur te selecteren. Als de do or u gekozen tr ainingsduur een even get a l is, dan duren ale intervals 2 min

Precor HANDBOEK EFX 546i

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Категория: Тренажеры

Aan de hand va n de testresult aten kunt u bepalen hoe efectief uw huidige tr ainingssc h ema is en dit anpasen an uw fitnessRdoicelen. h tlijnLeeens de volgende ric h tlijnen vordat u met de fitnestest begint: • G a ziten en neem voor afgand an de testen minste 5 minuten rust om uw hartslag in rustoest a nd te brengen. • D e fitheidscore wordt beinvloed dor h t, leeftijd en geslac ht. U moet deze gegevens invoeren • V or nauwkeurige hartslagmetingen dient u de borstriem gedurende de gehele test

Precor EFX 546I

Скачали: 59Размер: 4 mb    Производитель: Precor  
Категория: Тренажеры

Über jeder Informationsspalte erscheint eine Nummer. Legen Sie mit der Taste CHANGE (ÄNDERN) unter jeder Spalte fest, welche Art von Informationen angezeigt werden. Nachfolgend erhalten Sie weitere Informationen über dieses Display. Spalte 1: TIME, REMAINING TIME und SEGMENT TIME (ZEIT, RESTZEIT und ABSCHNITTS DAUER) TIME (ZEIT) - zeigt die Trainingszeit in Minuten und Sekunden an. Werden in einer Trainingssitzung 60 Minuten überschritten, wird die Zeit in Stunden und Minuten angezeigt. Bei Pr
