. Read the operating instructions of your appliance prior to putting it into operation, especially the safety information. — The warning signs and information labels attached to the unit provide important advice on its safe operation. — In addition to the instructions in the operating instructions, general safety- and accident prevention-regulations from lawgivers must be followed. Use . Prior to utilization the appliance and its working facilities must be checked regarding their proper conditio
WarningPossible hazardous situation that could lead to severe injury or even death. CautionPossible hazardous situation that could lead to mild injury to persons or damage to property. Danger–This appliance must only be operated, maintained and repaired by authorised, skilled and trained personnel. –Only physically and mentally fit and relia- ble people should operate and care for this high pressure water jets (minimum age 18). The operator or his representa- tive must be certain that the operat
of 18 % Cleaning and maintenance • Stand sweeper on a flat surface • Turn key switch to "0" and remove key Internal cleaning Danger! Wear dust mask! Wear safety goggles! • Open unit cover, engage stay bar • Clean with a rag Note: The filter cartridge can be cleaned with water. Prior to re-inserting it the filter must be completely dried. External cleaning Clean with a damp cloth previously soaked in mild suds Note: Do not use any aggressive cleaning agents! Maintenance intervals Elapsed- time me
112 .anUnocia: EaeUneoia o.eonio ia oi .Yne 238 Aioaeeaeoeea 240 Driftsvejledning 130 Bilag: Manuel filterrengoring 238 Reservedelsliste 240 Bruksveiledning 145 Tillegg: Manuell filterrensing 238 Reservedels liste 240 Driftinstruktion 159 Bilaga: Manuell filterrensning 239 Reservdelslista 240 Kayttoohje 174 Liite: Suodattimen manuaalinen puhdistus 239 Varaosalista 240 Instrukcja obslugi 189 Zalacznik: Reczne czyszczenie filtra 239 Lista czesci zamiennych 240 Isletme k.lavuzu 205 Ek: Manuel filtr
Silnik pracuje nieregularnie. Dzwignia ustawiona w pozycji „ “/„ON“. Dzwignie ustawic na pozycje „OFF“. Nasadka swiecy zaplonowej za luzno Nasadkeswiecy zaplonowej mocniej nalozona. nalozyc. Przestarzale paliwo. Woda lub Przestarzale paliwo zlac do zanieczyszczenia w ukladzie paliwa. odpowiedniego pojemnika na wolnym powietrzu 1). Zbiornik paliwa napelnic nowym paliwem. Otwor odpowietrzajacy w pokrywie Pokrywe zbiornika paliwa i otwor zbiornika paliwa niedrozny. odpowietrzajacy wyczyscic. Filtr
Зажим (скоба) сцепления (1) (STH 953) Если Пользователь отпускает этот зажим (скобу), то отключается червячная передача иустановка останавливается. Защитнаярешёткавстволедля выброса снега Защитная решётка предохраняет от попадания (засовывания рук) в ствол для выброса снега. русски Инструкция по эксплуатации шнекороторного снегоочистителя Знаки на установке На различных местах установки находятся предупреждающие указания иуказания по технике безопасности, представленные в виде знаков или пиктогр
• Запустить двигатель (см. "Запустить двигатель"). • При отпущенном рычаге сцепления (1 и 2) выбрать с помощью рычага переключения (6) передний ход. • Нажать на рычаг сцеплениядля червячного привода (1) и так держать его; при этом запускается шнек и турбина выброса снега. • Нажать на рычаг сцеплениядля механизма перемещения (2) и так держать его; установка работает, перемещается и убирает снег. Пока этот рычаг находитсявнажатомсостоянии, остаётся застопоренным и рычагсцеплениядля червячной пере
For best results, clean one side of vehicle at a time and always apply detergent from bottom to top, do not allow detergent to dry on surface. If needed, use special wash brush attachment (not included) to remove stubborn dirt. Rinse at high pressure in a sweeping motion keeping the spray nozzle approximately 6-8 inches from the cleaning surface (distance should increase when rinsing pin-striping or other sensitive surfaces). Always clean from top to bottom and from left to right. For best resul
The jet may not be directed at per- sons, animals, live electrical equipment or at the appliance itself. The high pressure clean- er must only be used while standing. –Cleaning of: Machines, Vehicles, Struc- tures, Tools, Facades, Terraces, Gar- dening tools, etc. –The high pressure cleaner must only be used while standing. –Never leave the appliance unattended as long as it is in operation. DangerRisk of injury! Follow the respective safety regulations when operating at gas stations or other da
If you have further questions regarding the engine, please refer to the engine manual included with the unit. • STEP 1: Check oil level. Oil level should always be between the “FULL” and “ADD” marks on the dipstick. Be sure the machine is level when checking the oil level. (Refer to the engine’s operating manual for seasonal grades.). We recommend that the oil be changed after the first 5 hours of use, then once every 25 hours. • STEP 2: Fill gas tank with unleaded gasoline. Do not use leaded ga