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aaoiiaoe.anee. .oi i.aaioa.auaao .anoia ca..aa aaoa.aeiiai aeiea e eciin eaiou. .e. ainnoaiiaeaie. .a.eia aioiaiinoe, ia.eia. iaeaiueo. caeaio. eiiieo ia auee..aoaea POWER , nia.aa onoaiiaeoa aai a iiei.aiea OFF, a caoai a iiei.aiea CAMERA. .e. ia.aea caiene ia.ieoa START/STOP. Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Note on Recording mode This camcorder records and plays back in SP (standard play) mode and in LP (long play) mode. Select SP or LP in the menu system. In LP mode, you can record 1.5 times as long as in SP mode. Notes on LP mode •We recommend to use this camcorder to play back a tape recorded on this camcorder. If a tape recorded on other camcorder is played back on this camcorder, or vice versa, mosaic- pattern noise may appear. •When you record in SP and LP modes on one tape or you record some scenes in LP mode, the playback picture may be distorted or the time code may not be written properly between scenes. •When you record in LP mode, we recommend you to use a Sony Excellence/Master mini DV cassette so that you can get the most out of your camcorder. •You cannot make audio dubbing on a tape recorded in LP mode. Use the SP mode for the tape to be audio dubbed. Notes on the time code •The time code indicates the recording or playback time, “0:00:00” (hours : minutes : seconds) in CAMERA mode and “0:00:00:00” (hours : minutes : seconds : frames) in PLAYER mode. •Be sure not to make a blank portion when recording, because the time code will start from “0:00:00:00” again, and you cannot rewrite the time code on the tape. •This camcorder uses the drop frame mode. ..eia.aieae.a.eiocaiene .aiia. aeaaieaia.a ii.ao auiiei.ou caienu e aini.iecaaaaiea a .a.eia SP (noaiaa.oiia aini.iecaaaaiea) e a .a.eia LP (oaeeiaiiia aini.iecaaaaiea). .uaa.eoa SP eee LP a nenoaia iai.. . .a.eia LP .u ii.aoa auiieieou caienu i.iaie.eoaeuiinou. a 1,5 .aca aeeiaa, .ai a .a.eia SP. ..eia.aie. e .a.eio LP • .u .aeiiaiaoai eniieuciaaou aaiio. aeaaieaia.o ae. ainiiecaaaaie. eaio, caienaiiuo ia yoie .a aeaaieaia.a. .nee eaioa, caienaiia. ia a.oaie aeaaieaia.a, aini.iecaiaeon. ia aaiiie aeaaieaia.a eee iaiai.io, iiaoo ii.ae.oun. iiiaoe n iicae.iie no.oeoo.ie. • .nee .u auiiei.aoa caienu a .a.eiao SP e LP ia iaiie e oie .a eaioa eee caienuaaaoa iaeioi.ua yieciau a .a.eia LP, oi aini.iecaiaeiia ecia.a.aiea ii.ao auou enea.aii eee .a a.aiaiiie eia ia.ao noaiaie ii.ao auou caienai iai.aaeeuii. • .nee .u auiiei.aoa caienu a .a.eia LP, iu .aeiiaiaoai .ai eniieuciaaou eannaou Sony Excellence/Master mini DV, .oiau .u iiaee iieo.eou iaeaieuoo. ioaa.o io .aoae aeaaieaia.u. • .u ia ii.aoa auiieieou iaei.aiea caoeiaiai nii.iai.aaie. ia eaioa, caienaiiie a .a.eia LP. .niieucoeoa .a.ei SP ae. caiene eaiou, ia eioi.o. .u oioeoa iaei.eou caoeiaia nii.iai.aaiea. ..eia.aie. e a.aiaiiiio eiao • ..aiaiiie eia oeacuaaao a.ai. caiene eee aini.iecaaaaie., “0:00:00” (.anu : ieioou : naeoiau) a .a.eia CAMERA e “0:00:00:00” (.anu : ieioou : naeoiau : eaa.u) a .a.eia PLAYER. • .e a eiai neo.aa ia inoaae.eoa iacaienaiiuo o.anoeia ai a.ai. caiene, oae eae a.aiaiiie eia niiaa aoaao ia.eiaoun. n ion.aoa “0:00:00:00” e .u ia nii.aoa ia.acaienaou a.aiaiiie eiaa ia eaioo. • .aiia. aeaaieaia.a eniieucoao .a.ei i.iionea eaa.a. Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Camera recording .aienu n iiiiuu. aeaaieaia.u Note on the beep sound The beep sounds when you operate the camcorder. Several beeps also sound as a warning of any unusual condition of the camcorder. Note that the beep sound is not recorded on the tape. If you do not want to hear the beep sound, select “OFF” in the menu system. Note on remaining tape indicator The indicator may not be displayed accurately depending on the tape. Though the indicator does not appear at the time of recording, it will appear in a few seconds. Using the zoom feature Zooming is a recording technique that lets you change the size of the subject in the scene. For more professional-looking recordings, use the zoom function sparingly. “W” side: for wide-angle (subject appears farther away) “T” side: for telephoto (subject appears closer) ..eia.aiea e coiia.iiio caoeiaiio neaiaeo .oiia.iue neaiae cao.eo, eiaaa .u oi.aae.aoa aeaaieaia.ie. .aneieuei coiia.iuo neaiaeia oae.a aoaao cao.aou a ea.anoaa i.aaoi.a.aaie. eaeiai-ieaoau iaiau.iiai ninoi.ie. aeaaieaia.u. .aiaouoa, .oi coiia.iue caoeiaie neaiae ia caienuaaaon. ia eaioo. .nee .u ia oioeoa neooaou coiia.iue caoeiaie neaiae, oi auaa.eoa “OFF” a nenoaia iai.. ..eia.aiea e eiaeeaoi.o inoaaoaen. eaiou .iaeeaoi. ii.ao ioia.a.aoun. iaoi.ii a caaeneiinoe io eaiou. .io. eiaeeaoi. ia ioia.a.aaon. a iiiaio aee..aie. caiene, ii ii.aeon. .a.ac ianeieuei naeoia. .niieuciaaiea ooieoee iaacaa aeaaieaia.u .aaca aeaaieaia.u .ae.aon. oaoie.aneei i.eaiii caiene, eioi.ue iicaie.ao .ai eciai.ou .acia. iauaeoa a eaa.a. .e. aieaa i.ioanneiiaeuiiai aeaa caienae oia.aiii eniieucoeoa ooieoe. iaacaa aeaaieaia.u. .oi.iia “W”: ae. oe.ieiai oaea nuai...