К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
power cords to the X9700cx first, and then connect
the power cords to the X9700c.
If you added the capacity block
to an existing system that must remain online,
If your X9720 Network Storage
be sure to use the procedure “Performing a
System cabinet contains more than two capacity
rolling reboot,” described in the HP IBRIX
blocks, you must connect all the PDUs to a
X9720/X9730 Network Storage System
power source.
Administrator Guide. If you added the capacity
block to an existing system that is offline, you
Step 6—Power on the X9700c and X9700cx
can reboot all nodes at once.
The capacity block is pre-configured in the factory with
Power on the X9700cx first, then power on the
data LUNs; however, there are no logical volumes
(segments) on the capacity block. To import the LUNs
Step 7—Discover the capacity block and validate
and create segments, take these steps:
firmware versions
Run the ibrix_pv command to import the LUNs.
Power on the capacity block by first powering on
Run the ibrix_pv -p -h command to verify
the X9700cx enclosure followed by the X9700c
that the LUNs are visible to all servers.
enclosure. Wait for the seven-segment display on
Run the ibrix_fs command to bind the
the rear of the X9700c to read on. This can take
segments and expand (or create) file systems.
a few minutes.
For more information about creating or extending
If necessary, update the firmware of the new
file systems, see the HP IBRIX X9000 Network
capacity block. See firmware release notes for
Storage System File System User Guide.
more information.
Run the exds_stdiag command on every blade
Enabling monitoring for the new storage
to validate that the new capacity block is visible
The X9720 system starts monitoring capacity blocks
and that the correct firmware is installed. See the
when the vendor storage is registered with X000
HP IBRIX X9720/X9730 Network Storage System
Software. Capacity blocks installed after the initial
Administrator Guide for more information about
vendor storage registration are not monitored by the
the command output.
system, which can potentially result in unnoticed
To enable the X9720 system to use the new
capacity, there must be entries for each LUN in
To enable monitoring of the new storage, complete
/dev/cciss on each file serving node. To
the following steps:
determine whether the operating system on each
Identify the name of the registered vendor storage:
file system node has recognized the new capacity,
run this command:
ibrix_vs –l
Un-register the existing vendor storage:
ll /dev/cciss/c0d* | wc -l
The result should include 11 LUNs for each 82-TB
ibrix_vs –d –n STORAGENAME
capacity block, and 19 LUNs for each 164-TB
Register the vendor storage. In the command, the
capacity block.
IP, USERNAME, and PASSWORD are for the OA.
ibrix_vs –r –n STORAGENAME –t exds –I IP(s) –U USERNAME
If the LUNs do not appear, take these steps:
Run the hpacucli rescan command.
For more information about ibrix_vs, see the HP
IBRIX X9000 Network Storage System CLI Reference
/dev/cciss again for the new
If the LUNs still do not appear, reboot the
Setting the chassis name of the new capacity block
The chassis name is typically set to the lowest available
number. For example, if the system previously had two
capacity blocks, the new capacity block should be
named 03. To set the chassis name, complete these
Page 5
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Устройства обработки данных - HP IBRIX X9320 10GbE Performance Block (521.22 kb)
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