Read the installation, operation and maintenance instructions UlüFOLHjhly before installing ano operating this equipment. "Our Goa/—First Time Fix" «00 Otd Heneyeuts Hsad * Fuquay-Vanina. NC 27526 fJ1&JS5£-&tei * (000) 34£-2£5fi FAX (EQOJ &1D*e&t5 , FAX f&îfl) SS3-3È82 m COUNTERTOP CONVECTION STEAMER Manual 1177S9Ï (03 i0) $ Ii .00 IMPORTANT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Fp&ase complete irTtmtnaiioti snS 'starn this manual lor the № of the equipment MODEL «__________ SERIAL #_ DATE PU HC HAS ED