




Фрагмент инструкции
The unit must be electricallygroundedin accordancewith local codesor in the absenceof local codeswith the NationalElectricCodeANSI/ NFPA No.70 (latestedition)orCSAC22.2 Part1(latestedition). Power supplyto the unit must be N.E.C. Class 1, and must complywith all applicablecodes. A fused disconnect switchshouldbe field providedfor the unit.Theswitchmust beseparatefromall other circuits. If any of the wire suppliedwith the unit must be replaced, replacementwire must be of the type shownon the wiring diagram. Electricalwiringmust be sized to minimumcircuitampacitymarkedon the unit. USECOPPERCONDUCTORSONLYI Eachunit mustbewired with a separatebranchcircuitandbe properlyfused. SEQUENCEOF UNIT OPERATION COOLING-Whenthe thermostatis In the coo[ingmode,the Ocircuitis poweredwhichenergizesthe reversing valve. Uponcoolingdemand,thethermostatclosescircuitRtoYand G.ClosingRtoY closestheunitcontactor,startingthe compressorandoutdoorfan. ThethermostatautomaticallyclosesRtoGcircuitwhichalsobringsontheindoorblower at thesametime. Uponsatisfyingcoolingdemand,thethermostatwillopentheabovecircuitsandopenthemaincontactor, stoppingthe compressorand outdoorfan. If the unitis equippedwith a time delay,the blowerwill continueto operate.for 90 secondswhich improvessystemefficiency. HEATING-UponheatingdemandthethermostatclosescircuitRtoYclosingtheunitcontactor,startingthecompressorand outdoorfan. The reversing valveis notenergizedin the heating mode.Thethermostatagainautomatically bringsonthe indoorblower at thesametime. Thesecondstageof the thermostatclosescircuit Rto W closingthe unitsequencers,bringthe auxiliaryelectricheaton. Uponsatisfyingheatingdemandthethermostatopensabovecir cuits and stopsunit operation. DEFROSTCYCLE-If outdoor ambientconditionsaresuchthatfrostformson theoutdoorcoil,the defrost control monitors the need for andinitiates and terminatesdefrost cyclesas neccessary to maintain system performance.The defrost controlis time/temperatureinitiated and temperature terminated with a maximum defrost time (time-out)of 10 minutes. Timebetweendefrost cyclesis pre-set at 60 minuteintervalsat the factory, but can be field adjustedto 30, 60, or 90 minutes.See illustrationfor field adjustmentof defrosttiming. For best performancein RegionIV, the PWC242defrostinterval shouldbeadjustedto30 minutes. PA...o,.,,9.o09.I I ANIDNSTALLATION MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS PWCSERIES SELF-CONTAINED HEATPUMP PART4,,94°O94OA_EI I _'AGE_O_IOI NO.] I SU_RSEOES ] 4-,5-94.EWI Manulaclured By ARMSTRONG AIR CONDITIONING INC, A LENNOXInternationalInc. Company 421 Monroe Slreel Bellevue, OH 44811 PARTNO. ! ! I 4,tg4ooB4DATE4lsg, I SUPERSEOESNEWI I I I PAGE2OFlO GENERAL Theseinstructionsexplainthe recommendedmethodof installationofthe PWChealpumpunitandassociatedelec trical wiring. This unil is designed and approvedfor use as a self-contained air Io air heat pump system. Theseinstructions, and any instructions packaged wilh mating componen[sandlor accessories,should becarefully read prior to beginning inslallation, Nole parlicularly any CAUTIONSor NOTESin these instructions and all labels on the unit. Theseinslructions are intended asa generalguideonly, foruse by qualified personnel, andtie notsupersedeanynationalorlocal codesinany way. Compliancewithall local, state,provincial,ornationalcodespertainingtothistypeof equipmentshouldbe determinedpriorto instaltalion. INSPECTIONOF SHIPMENT Uponreceiptof equipment,carefullyinspectil for possibleshippingdamage. If damageis found, it shouldbe noied on the carrier'sfreight bill. Take specialcare to examinethe unit insidethe cartonif the cartonis damaged. Filea claimwilh thetransportationcompany, If any damages are discovered and reportedto the carrierDONOTINSTALLTIlE UNIT as claimmay be denied. Checkthe unitratingplateto confirmspecifications are asordered. CAUTION:INSTALLATIONAND SERVICINGOFAIR CONDITIONINGEQUIPMENTCAN BE HAZARDOUSDUETO INTERNALREFRIGERANTPRESSUREAND LIVE ELECTRICALCOMPONENTS.ONLYTRAINEDAND QUALIFIEDSER VICE PERSONNELSHOULDINSTALL, REPAIR,OR SERVICETHIS EQUIPMENT. FORYOURSAFETY DONOTSTOREORUSE GASOLINEOROTHERFLAMMABLEVAPORSANDLIQUIDSIN THEVICINITYOF THIS I WARNING ORANY OTHERAPPLIANCE. NOMENCLATURE: 10 PWC 242 A-1A 1 2 345 1. ELECTRICHEATING 4. ElectricalRatingCode: 5= 5kW A=208/230 volts;60 Hz; 1 phase 7 = 7kW 10 = lOkW 5. RevisionCode 15 = 15kW 2. PWC=(HEAT) PUMPWITH COOLING 3. COOLINGCAPACITYTONNAGE 182 = 1'IzTON 242 = 2TON 302 = 2'/2TON I PA,,NO.I ,, g,o094I '-fS-g'I SUPERSEDESPAGE3OF,O I DATEI ,EW I LOCATION Thedesign is certifiedfor through-the-wallinstallationonly.The interiorportionsof theunit may be surroundedby a cJosetwith clearancesto combustiblematerial held to O" at sides, 0" topand 0" frontof the plenum. Thegrille sideof the unit maybe flush with or extendbeyond the faceof theexteriorwall, but shoul...
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