Vibration Emission according to EN 836/A2:2001: 10 m/s2. Values determined at the handle when the machine was operated stationary on a concrete surface at 3600 min-1. Declared Airborne Sound Power level of 106 dB(A) is in accordance with Directive 2000/14/EC. Sound Pressure Level at operator position 90 dB. Values determined at ear according to the specifications of EN 836/A2:2001. 276798MA DRAFT COPY 2 LIMITED WARRANTY Hayter Limited warrants to the original user / purchaser that this unit shal

1. Make sure the spark plug is clean. Clean the spark plug by carefully scraping the electrodes (do not sand blast or use a wire brush). 2. Check the spark plug gap with a feeler gauge. See “Product Specifications” for the correct spark plug gap and replacement spark plug. 3. Before installing the spark plug, coat the threads lightly with oil for easy removal. Tighten the spark plug to a torque of 15 foot-pounds. Figure 13 Spark Plug Feeler Gauge 0.030” HOW TO ADJUST THE HEIGHT OF THE HANDLEBAR