Фрагмент инструкции
Whenever possible, rinse parts immediately after processing for easy cleanup 3 Wipe the Base. Contro_ Knob, and feet with a damp cloth and dry thoroughly Stubborn spols can be removed by rubbing with a damp clolh and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner DO NOT immerse the Base in liquid 4. AII removable parts can be washed by hand or in a disl_washer in the tap rack Do not put In or near lhe utensil baskeL 5 tf washing removable parts by hand, wash in hot, sudsy water, rinse and dry thoroughly 6 If necessary use a small nylon bristle brush to thoroughly clean the Bowl and Bowl Cover Assembly This type of brush will also help prevent cutting yourse_t on the Chopping Blade and Slicingt'Shredding Disc 7 Do no! use rough scouring pads or cleansers on any plastic or metal paris 8 Do not fill the Bowl wfth bo[iing water or place any of the parts in boiling water 9 Some foods, such as carrots, may lamporar[ly stain the Bowl To remove stains, make a pasta of 2 tablespoons baking soda and 1 tablespoon warm water Apply the pasta to the stains and rub with a cloth Rinse and dryr tO CHOPPINGGUIDE: FOOD AMOUNT DIRECTIONS BabyFood Up to 4 cups (100Omt_ Add up to4 cups cockedvegetables and/er meat to Bowl alongwith t/4 cupliquidper copof sofkt foorJ Processcnnllnuousty ts desired5assess Bread Crumbs Up to 5 sficce Cut either freshor dry bread sflces isle 1 I/2 to 2.1richpisces. Addfo BOwIand process tofine crumbs Ceohls/CrachorCrumbs Up to 5 cups U_a formaking crumbsfromgraham crackers,ehecolalear vanillawafers Craeberriss_Minced 3 cups(750ml) Pal_e to chopIe desi/ed_Iae_e_s.Can else addsager to make cranbsnyrelish Egge.Cflnpped Up to '12 Peel, dry end had,tohard.cooker| eggs Add toBowl. Pulse [o chop,checking fineness alter 4/5 pn_aes , ,,, .............. ,.... Gertic m=ne_ Up to '[2 Be sure Bowl is dry. Dropafore(a) down facdchute whileunit isrunning. Meet. chopped Up fo 21/2cups Cui the meal into t-inch cubes Add to (Raw or Cooked) (600ml) bow_end pulse tochop Musbraomf_.chapped Up to 12Mer_ium Halve fargo _nas andadd to BOwl Pulse lodesiredilnenese. Nuts, Chopped 2 cups(3oOmt) Add to Bowl end Pulse !o chop Onions, CI!opped Up to2 large Ouertorend _dd Io Bowl PtJlseI or 2 times io coarselychap.Forgreen onions,up Is2 cops cutinto1.,inchpieces Permesanor Romuno Up _n1V2cups 1375ml) AHowcheese Io reach room temperature Cheese.grated Cgt Into 1-inchcl.tbssAdd tobowl and purse to coarsechap; processcontinuously 1ofinely gdde Parsley.Chapped Up le 2cups Add lo Bawl and Purseto choptn desired fineness,aboul 1o ID15eeson_s Precess otherherbs In same way Pepper;Green,Red Upto1pepper Curinto t 4nob pieces Add to bowi and YeIIawChopped pulse Io chap Scape. 2 cr_ps Add up ta 2 ctlpshol (less than175_F} Pursedr_rCreamed vegetable soup for pureeingnnd creaming Processtodesired_smuolhnese Squash|Butternut). Up to 5cups liquidper cup of Add 114cupof cookie!] Pumpkin or Sweet 14n cubes _e(J,Pulse tofinelychop,then process Pelotoes Puree{_ canliaueusly topuree 11 CHOPPING GUIDE FOOD AMOUNT DIRECTIONS Strawberries, Pureed 2 cups Htlll and h_lve large betliee, Add lo bowt end pu]se Io chop P_oc_ss cenltnuously Io puree Tom_toee. Chopped 4 medium QueMer 1emulous Add up Io 4 and pulse to desl[_dstz_ FOOD DIRECTIONS Csbbage Use _hredding d_$eI_t very fine cebbnqe ol clew, Cut Into p}eces 1o fit chute Shred, u._lng light l:,cuesure Empty Bmvl n_ cabbegs reeches disc Ct_rfols Pesltien in chute end sh_ed Cheese, Cheddar Cheese mu,<;tbe well chilled Ct_! to Ill chute Cheese, Mu_erelle Cheese must be eht_led in freezer for 30 minules prier to shredding Cut to til .hul_ Use tlghl pre_;eu_e Putetoes Cut to fit chute Zur, chini Cut to {it chute e_ther lengthwise or hnrlzentally 12 :::SLICING GUIDE : FOOD Apple Cabbage! Let[use Carrots Cela_ Cucumber Mushrooms Onlons _eohes / Pears Peppers:Green. Red Yellow.ate Papperonl P_lalues S!rawberrles Tutor=toes Turnips Zucchini DIRECTIONS HaNs andstackhorlzonlelly in ehu_oUse fkm pressure Helve head. cuI fofi! ctluta Culle itt ehulo RemovesiringPackchute forbesl i'csulIs Cutto lit chuteifnecessary Slackchute with n_Jshtoemsen Iheir sides for lengthwise sEisss H_tvaandfltl chute,positioningonions apd_ht lot coarsely choppedrecall°, Halvoe_Idc_m UpdghlInchulausingIIglltplescu_a. PCSIIIDnandslice Keep whelmcut slam and ctl end seed, keep topendtnlacl Rt popper Intochafe.endtothetop,sllgl_ll'/to}fnecessary Intactequeezin!jIll Cul large cne_ inlo quarters or strips dr._pen_hgondesired fBsult_ Sliceusingm_dcr_tepressure CutIntn3,in Remava inedible Im_gII_eoa_Ing Peelif dos_cd Positiontn chute,outlingtar,qepolatoaain h_Ivoa HullArtanga berdee ontheir sides forlengthwise s_lcae U_] smalllo_*_toesfor whata sliceshalveif no_P.s_alyUsa gcel]ybutfilmpressure PeelCuttuz'nipstofit chule Slice elf ends Use smaJlsquashforwhofa slices; halveis{getones tof_Ichute 13 Get stfixed, at your home or ours Your Home For repair-In your home -of all majorbrandappliances, lawnand gardenequipment, or heatingand coolingsystems, no matter who mad...
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