К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Subsystem Control Facility (SCF)
Subsystem Control Facility (SCF). A part of DSM, used to provide a common, interactive
management interface for configuring, controlling, and collecting information from HP
data communications products.
Subsystem Control Point (SCP). .n DSM, the management process for all HP data
communications subsystems. There can be several instances of this process.
Applications using SPI send all commands for data communications subsystems to an
instance of this process, which in turn sends the commands on to the manager
processes of the target subsystems. SCP also processes a few commands itself. It
provides security features, version compatibility, support for tracing, and support for
applications implemented as fault-tolerant process pairs. See also management
process or manager process.
Subsystem ID (SSID). In DSM programmatic interfaces, a data structure that uniquely
identifies a subsystem to SPI. It consists of the name of the owner of the subsystem
(such as HP), a subsystem number that identifies that particular subsystem, and a
subsystem version number. The subsystem ID is an argument to most of the SPI
Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI). In DSM, a set of procedures and associated
definition files used to define common message-based programmatic interfaces for
communication between requesters and servers—for instance, in a management
application. SPI includes procedures to build and decode specially formatted
messages; definition files in Pascal, TAL, C, COBOL, and TACL for inclusion in
programs, macros, and routines using the SPI procedures; and definition files in DDL
for programmers writing their own subsystems.
summary state. In DSM interfaces to HP data communications subsystems, one of the
generally defined possible conditions of an object, with respect to the management of
that object. A summary state differs from a state in two ways. First, a summary state
pertains to the management of an object, whereas a state may convey other kinds of
information about the object. Second, summary states are defined the same way for all
HP data communications subsystems, whereas the set of possible states differs from
subsystem to subsystem. The management programming interfaces to HP data
communications subsystems refer to summary states rather than to states. Examples
of summary states are STARTED, STOPPED, SUSPENDED, and ABORTING.
SWAN concentrator. See ServerNet wide area network (SWAN) concentrator.
symbolic name. In DSM programmatic interfaces, a name used in programs to refer to
commonly used values, token codes, token maps, extensible structures, and other
related variables for use in management programs.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). The Internet standard transport-level protocol that
provides the reliable, full-duplex stream service on which many application protocols
depend. TCP allows a process on one machine to send a stream of data to a process
on another. It is connection-oriented, in the sense that before transmitting data
participants must establish a connection. Software implementing TCP usually resides
HP NonStop TCP/IPv6 Migration Guide— 524524-004
Glossary -20
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