К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
SQLCI Utility Processor Messages (9000 to 9999)
SQL 9176
9176 The error in the next message occurred when APPEND,
APPENDRESTART, or APPENDCANCEL tried to restore value-1 to
its initial state. As a result, value-1 might be in an
invalid state.
Cause. If an error causes APPEND to terminate, it attempts to restore the EOF of the
target table to its original value and otherwise put the target table back to the way it
was when the APPEND started. APPENDRESTART does this restoration of the target
table before starting processing and it does the restoration again if an error causes it to
terminate after restarting the APPEND operation. This restoration of the target table is
the only thing APPENDCANCEL does.
If an error occurs during the attempt to restore the target table to its initial condition,
this error message precedes the message about the error to help make it clear that the
error message below describes a problem that stopped recovery (not a problem that
stopped APPEND).
Effect. The target table is left in an undetermined state and the file specified in the
RECOVERYFILE parameter contains data needed to restore the target table to a
useful condition.
Recovery. If you want to continue the original APPEND operation, enter an
APPENDRESTART command specifying all the same parameters as the command
that failed. If you want to restore the target table to its original state, enter an
APPENDCANCEL command specifying the same target table and the same recovery
file as the command that failed (and if the command that failed included PARTONLY,
the APPENDCANCEL must include PARTONLY as well).
SQL 9177
9177 The recovery file names a different source file than
specified in this command. The file name in the recovery
file is value-1.
Cause. You entered an APPENDRESTART command to complete an APPEND that
had been interrupted, but you specified a different source file than was named in the
original APPEND command. APPENDRESTART must be given all the same
parameters as were specified on the APPEND command it is to complete.
Effect. The command fails. The target is not modified.
Recovery. If the wrong file was named as the source file, reissue the command using
the right filename. If you need to change the file you are using as the source, first
cancel the original APPEND with the APPENDCANCEL command, and then start a
new APPEND command.
HP NonStop SQL/MP Messages Manual — 427720-006
11 -53
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Компьютеры - HP Integrity NonStop J-Series (1.35 mb)
Компьютеры - HP NonStop G-Series (1.35 mb)
Компьютеры - HP NonStop L-Series (1.35 mb)