63 FCC Compliance Statement ............... 79 Fingerprint sensor ................................ 9 FM Transmitter ................................... 34 G GPS .................................................... 71 H Hard Reset.......................................... 24 Hotline ............................................... 64 I Initial set up Charging the battery ...................... 11 Installing the navigation software .. 14 Power supply ................................. 12 Switching o

Only follow the instructions when circumstances and driving rules permit it! The navigation system will guide you to your destination even when you have to deviate from your planned route. . The direction statements of the navigation system given do not release the driver of the vehicle from his or her duty of care or personal responsibility. . Plan routes before you leave. If you want to plan a new route whilst on the road pull over and stop driving. . In order to receive the GPS signal correct

53 Full Image View........................................................................................................ 54 Travel Guide (optional) ................................................................................. 56 Alarm Clock (waking function) (optional) .................................................... 58 Overview of the main screen ....................................................................................... 58 Description of the Interfaces ...................

Probieren Sie bei nicht ausreichendem Empfang im Fahrzeug verschiedene Montage- und Antennenausrichtungsmoglichkeiten aus. 9.3. Autohalterung montieren ACHTUNG! Befestigen Sie die Halterung fur das Gerat so an der Windschutzscheibe, dass dadurch die Sicht nicht behindert wird. Benutzen Sie die Autohalterung ausschlie.lich mit eingesetztem Navigationsgerat, um Gefahrdungen zu vermeiden. Schnapphebel (Abbildung ahnlich) HINWEIS! Je nach Ausfuhrung kann Ihr Navigationssystem alternativ auch mit ein

Note Comprehensive Operating Instructions for navigation can be found on the DVD supplied, as well as online at . The section "Frequently Asked Questions" contains answers to questions that are frequently addressed to our customer service department. Document Your Navigation Unit It is important to record the details of your Navigation Unit and the purchase thereof. In the event you require warranty support you may be asked for this information. The serial number can be found on the back of the

72 of 82 25.3. Additional Card Material Your navigation system is already equipped with digitalised map material in the internal memory and/or memory card at the factory. Depending on the configuration, additional maps may be included on your navigation CD/DVD. You will be able to transfer these cards to a memory card immediately. It is recommended that you use an external card reader (see also page 72). The GoPal Assistant supplied with the device enables a simple and individual compilation of

1 Operating Environment................................................................................................. 2 Repair ............................................................................................................................ 2 Ambient temperature .................................................................................................... 2 Electromagnetic Compatibility ...................................................................................... 3 C

• Magas frekvenciaju es magneses zavarforrasoktol (tevekeszulek, hangszorodobozok, mobiltelefon stb.) legalabb egy meter tavolsagot biztositson a mukodesi zavarok es az adatvesztesek elkerulese erdekeben. • Az elektronikus keszulekek mukodtetesuk soran elektromagneses sugarzast okoznak. Ezek a sugarzasok veszelytelenek, mas keszulekeket azonban, amelyek a kozvetlen kozelben uzemelnek, zavarhatnak. Keszulekeinket laboratoriumunkban vizsgaljuk es optimalizaljuk az elektromagneses osszeferhetoseg s

the diskettes and CD-ROMs) upon which this software is delivered and warrants that such data media shall be free from material and processing defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase of the MEDION product from an authorised seller of MEDION. MEDION will replace defective data media free of charge. Any claims in respect of defective pre-installed operating system as well as to application programme software are hereby expressly excluded and you should contact the relevant licenso