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Категория: Автоусилители

Also take care to exhaust the heated air away from the front panel intakes, so as not to recirculate and reheat the same air over and over again. In a rack system, make sure there is a significant source of fresh air to the rack. This can be achieved with air conditioning vents to the top of the rack, an open back that is well ventilated, or rack panel fans/vents. In the case of rack panel fans/vents, the cooling will be most effective when the amplifier(s) are located as far away from the fans/

Скачали: 0   Размер: 4 mb   Производитель: Hafler  
Категория: Автоусилители

10. PRISE DE COURANT ATROIS FICHES La prise de courant est composee de trois fiches, designees a reduire le risque de decharge electrique de l'appareil. Elle devrait etre de longueur suffisante pour la plupart des utili sations de ce materiel. L'utilisation de rallonge t d'adaptateur est deconsellee a moins detre en mesure de fournir la charge electrique requise a un fonctionement sans risque, de tout materiel relie. 11. PERIODES DE NON-UTILISATON Durant les periodes de non-utilisation, la prise

Скачали: 10   Размер: 3 mb   Производитель: Hafler  
Категория: Автоусилители

All rights reserved. CONTENTS Specifications........................2 Additional Parts List...................5 Functional Diagram....................2 Operation............................6 Installation ..........................3 Notes on the Circuitry..................6 Component List.......................4 Additional Information .................7 Parts Placement Diagram...............4 Warranty and Service Policy.............8 Schematic Diagram....................5 INTRODUCTION Th

Скачали: 1   Размер: 4 mb   Производитель: Hafler  
Категория: Автоусилители

Strickland, VP Engineering Declaration of Conformity Application of Council Directive: 73/23/EEC (low voltage directive) Application of Council Directive: 89/336/EEC (EMC Directive) Standard(s) to which Conformity is Declared: EN55103-1 (Emissions) EN55103-2 (Immunity) EN60065 (Safety) Manufacturer’s Name: Hafler Manufacturer’s Address: 546 South Rockford Drive, Tempe, Arizona 85281 Importer’s Name: Importer’s Address: Type of Equipment: 2-channel Audio Power Amplifier Model No.: SR2300CE SR2800
