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Скачали: 2   Размер: 945 kb   Производитель: Bryston  
Категория: Автоусилители

Your Bryston preamplifier has been engineered to provide many years of trouble-free, highly musical listening enjoyment. This instruction manual refers to the Model 12B. With the exception of the phono inputs, the Model 11B preamplifier is identical, and the instructions pertain to it in exactly the same way. Where a difference occurs, it will be noted in the text. The Model 12B is a basic signal preamplifier with switching facilities for all the sources likely to be used by even the most elab

Скачали: 3   Размер: 945 kb   Производитель: Bryston  
Категория: Автоусилители

For these reasons, and for the more important reason of avoiding low frequency transient overshoot, ringing and phase misalignment, the low filter is a “minimum” type, with a 6dB/octave slope below cutoff. This is quite effective in reducing subsonic woofer-wooble and its attendant intermodulation effects, however, since the most problematic turntable and warp-induced rumble frequencies, in the area of 2-5Hz, are reduced an average of about 20dB or a factor of 100 in terms of power demand. The l
