Фрагмент инструкции
Mark and ddti &ll 6" _eftand right fastening holes Secure the bracket as shown in Figure I if there is ve_'ticaI reinforcemenL if your installation doesn't require vertical reinforce meat but does need top and bottom fastening holes _or the door brackeL position the door p_ate over the door b_acket as shown in Figure 2 Fasten securely with hardware shown in Figure 1 Figure Hardware Shown Actual Size 24 P_ease read and comply with the warnings and reinforcement instructions on page 24. They apply to oneopieoe doors also, * Center the bracket on the top of the doer, in fine with the header bracket as shown. Mark hotes. Hardware Shown Actual Size Drill 5/16 _ pilot holes and fasten _e door bracket with hardware supplied_ _fthe door has no exposed framing, drill 3/16" pilot holes &nd fasten the bracket with 5/16_xl _1/2" lag screws (not supplied) to the top of the door. The door bracket may be installed on the top edge of the door ff required for your installation. (Rder to the dotted line optional placement drawing.) Drill 3/16" pilot holes and substitute 5/16"x1_1_" lag screws (not supplied) to fasten the bracket to the door. 25 Installation Step !2 Connect Door Arm to TrMley Fotlow _nstructtons which appy to your door type as illustrated below and on page 27, Make sure garage door ts fully c_o_d. Pull the emergency release handle to disco#nect _e outer trollley from the inner trolley, Slide the outer trolley back (away from the door) about 2" as shown _n Figures I, 2 and 3. F_gare 1: F_gure 2: Fasten straight door arm section to outer trol[ey Bdng arm s6stJons together, Find two pairs of holes with acevis pin_Secure the connection with a ring that _ineup andjoin se_ions Select ho_esas far fastener apart as possible to increase door arm rigidib:,o Fasten cawed door arm to the doer bracket in the same way as shown. [n_r Toffy Hole Affgnment Figure 3: _,if holes in catered arm are above bores in straight arm, disconnect straight am'L Cut about 6" from the solid end, Reconnect to trolley with cut end down as shown_ Bring arm sections together. Find two pairs of hoies that line up and join with screws, lock washers and r_uts, Hardware Shown Actual Size Nui 5f16" _18 L_k Washer _l_'J" e#_# F_slene. Alternative Figure He_: _;_ew CI_s Pi_ Proc_d @ to Adjustment otep t, page 28, Troiiey wH[ re_ngage automatically when the opener ts operated_ 26 AssembletheDoorArm: ,, Fasten the straight and curved door am_ secl,ions toge_er to lhe longest possible length (with a 2 or . With the door closed, connect the straight door am s_tion to the door bracket with a c_evis pin , Secure with a ring fastener. On one-pie_e doo_, before connedJng _e d_r a_ to the trolby the t_..el limits must _ a_usted. Um_ adiustment screws are I<%ated on the/eft side panei as shown on page 28. Follow adiustment pnx:edures below J ........ C_ E#_ck_a_d S_&nt Adiustment Proc_ures for One-Pi_e Doors Ope_ Door Adjustment: Closed Door Adjustment: Decrease UP limit D_rease DOWN limit -Turn the UP t_mitadiustment screw counter,-Turn the DOWN Iim}t adiustment screw cbckwise 5 cl_kwise 5-1/2 turns • Press the Wai_ Controt push bar or button. The • Press _he Wa{_Cont_)I push bar or button. The troliey witl travel to the fully open _sition. troliey wiIt trave_ to the fully ctosed position. -Manu_ly raise the door to the open position . Manually etose the door and iiff _e d_r arm to the (paralle_ to the floor), and _ifl the door arm to the troltey. The arm should touch the trolley just ahead trolley_ The a_m shouid touch the trolley lust in of the door arm connector hob. Refer _othe fufty back of the door arm connecter hole. Refer to the c_osed trolley/door arm positions in the iliustratiom if fully open trolley/door am positio_ in the _he am is beh}nd the connector ho_e, adiust the iimit illustratiom If the arm does not extend far enough, further. One ftJl_turn equals 2" of troliey travei adjust the _imitfu_her. One full turn equals 2" of Connect the door arm to the trolley . Close the door and ioin the eu_ed arm to the connector hole in [he trot_ey with the remaining clevis pin. It may be necessa_ to lift the door slightly to make the connection, -Secure with a nng fastener. . Run the opener through a comptete travel cycled if the door has a slight "backward" slant in fu_l open position as shown in the illustration, decrease the UP limit until the d_r is paraItel to the floor. 27 Adjustment Section: Pages 28-30 Adjustment Step 1 Adjust the UP and DOWN Limits Do not make any i{mit adjustments until the safety reversing sensors are completely installed° Limit adjustment settings regu{ate the points at which Lhe doer will stop when moving up o_down, The door will stQo in the up direc_on # anything intederes with door t_avel The door wil_ reverse in the down direction if anything intederes with the door trave_ (including binding or unbalanced doors)_ To operate the opener, press the Wa_ Centre! push bar, Run the opener through a complete trave_ o Does the door op...
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