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If you do not have an account, follow the steps under Easy Setup (all other routers) and the Setup Wizard will allow you to create a new account. Visit for more information. Note: If you have purchased an open box or resold unit, or if you experience issues registering this camera with your mydlink account, perform a hard reset by using an unfolded paperclip to press and hold the reset button on the back of the camera for 10 seconds while the camera is powered on. If you are returning the product to the place of purchase, please perform the hard reset procedure to clear the product of any personal data. Step 1: Open a web browser and go to Click your camera model and then, under Wizard, click the link of the version (Windows or Mac) you want to download. Depending on your web browser, you may need to right-click the link and select Save link as. Once downloaded, do not launch the wizard until instructed. Step 2: If you have a WPS-enabled router and want to connect your camera wirelessly to your wireless network, do not connect the Ethernet cable and continue with Step 3. Carefully remove the rubber seal on the back of the camera. Then connect the included Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the camera and attach it to your router. Skip to Step 7. Step 3: Attach the power supply to the power input on the DCS-2332L and connect it to a wall outlet or power strip. Power is confirmed when the Power LED is lit. Step 4: Press and hold the WPS button on the camera for 5 seconds. The blue WPS status LED will start to blink. Step 5: Press the WPS button on your wireless router within 2 minutes. On some routers, you may need to log in to the web interface and then click an on-screen button to activate the WPS feature. Please refer to your router’s user manual if needed. Step 6: Once the WPS LED stops blinking and the Power LED is green, skip to Step 8. Step 7: Attach the power supply to the power input on the DCS-2332L and connect it to your wall outlet or power strip. Power is confirmed when the Power LED is lit. Step 8: Windows - Once the file is downloaded from Step 1, you will have to extract (unzip) the files. Right-click the file and select to extract the files. Once extracted, double-click setup.exe to launch the Setup Wizard. Mac - Once downloaded, double-click the SetupWizard file to launch the Setup Wizard. Step 9: Click on the Start button to start the wizard and follow the instructions from the Installation Wizard to finish setting up your camera. After configuring your DCS-2332L, you can remove the Ethernet cable and carefully reinsert the rubber seal. After registering your DCS-2332L camera with mydlink, you will be able to remotely access your camera from the website. After signing in to your mydlink account, you will see a screen similar to the following: Step 1: Open Internet Explorer and go to then sign into mydlink. Step 2: Select your camera from the device list and your camera’s Live View will appear. Cloud Camera 2350 Installation Zero Configuration Setup (with mydlink Cloud Router only) Thank you for purchasing the D-Link Cloud Camera 2350. Follow the easy steps in this guide to properly set up your camera. Please verify that all the package contents below are available. Note: The Zero Configuration Setup will only work with a registered Cloud Router and an active mydlink account. If you do not have a mydlink Cloud Router, please skip to the Easy Setup section. Package Contents Step 1: Attach the power supply to the power input on the DCS-2332L and connect it to a wall outlet or power strip. Power is confirmed when the Power LED is lit. Step 2: If using an Ethernet connection: Carefully remove the rubber seal on the back of the camera. Then connect the included Ethernet cable to the Ethernet port on the camera and connect it to your router. Your Cloud Router will automatically assign your network settings to your camera. If using a wireless connection: Press and hold the WPS button on the camera for 5 seconds. The blue WPS status LED will start to blink. Then, press the WPS button on your Cloud Router within 2 minutes. Your Cloud Router will automatically assign your network settings to your camera. Step 3: From any computer, open a web browser, go to and log into your account. Once mydlink detects your camera a notice will appear that there is a new device detected. Click on your camera from the New Devices list and then click Yes to add your camera. Your setup is complete! After configuring your DCS-2332L, you can remove the Ethernet cable and carefully reinsert the rubber seal. Cloud Camera 2350 with Detachable Antenna Power Adapter Technical Support CAT5 Ethernet Cable Having trouble installing your new product? D-Link’s website contains the latest user documentation and software updates for D-Link products. U.S. and Canadian customers can contact D-Link Technical Support throug...