К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
• Compressed texture format allows yo u to enable suppo rt fo r Dire ctX c ompres sed textur e formats. Some applications ca nnot handle too many texture fo rmats. Dis abling comp ressed textur e forma t the video d river c eases to supp ort this feature. • Alternate pixel center ma y elimin ate prob lems with s ome 3D g ames tha t displa ys ver tical and h orizo ntal lines aroun d tex tures or te xt th at app ears incor rect. However, th is s etting sho uld only be us ed if you a re e xpe rien cin g th ese sym pto ms, as it m ay cause pr oblems with othe r games. • Z-buffer bit depths allows you to s et the Z -buffer bit rate . By default 16: 24 ( 16 a nd 2 4) selec ted to ach ieve optim um perform ance. 8-bit ste ncil allow s you to a dd 32-bit Z-b uffer w ith 8 bits fo r s tenc il and 24 bits for the Zbu ffer. • Dithering method when alpha blending will remove certain onscree n artifa cts that are sometimes produced when both dithering and alpha blending are enabled. GV-R9000 Graphics Accelerator -18 Color Properties The Color Properties is used to adjust the color settings. It also allows gamma control for video playing of the Video Overlay. The color settings affect all display devices mapped to the view.You can change red, green, and blue display colors. Set Desktop and Video Overlay brightness (gamma) levels can also be changed. • Desktop brightness inc reases or de crease s the color brigh tness of yo ur des ktop. The highe r the gam ma value , the hig her the b rightnes s and con trast of your dis play. • Color Curve adjusts th e selected color (r ed, green or blue) b y moving the color curve with your m ouse. • Game Gamma button accesses Game Gamma properties. • Default rese ts the desktop brightness an d color settin gs to the defa ult values. • Red / Green / Blue sliders Thes e controls allow you to in crease or decr ease the color brightness of Direct 3D and OpenGL games played in fullscreen mode. (NOTE: Game Gamma is NOT supported in Windows NT4.0) • RGB Lock adjust the RGB sliders individually or ad just all three sliders at the same time. • Default rese ts the Game G amma s ettings to th e defau lt values. English -19 -Softwa re Installation EnglishEnglish DisplayProperties: If your VGA card is equipped with a S-Video connector, you can use a second output device (e.q. a TV o r a comp uter mo nitor) a s part o f your operatin g desktop exten ding you r desktop to se cond device or copying your desktop on the second device. Select Display Type Enable / Disable "Extend my w indows desktop onto this monitor" The Display tab p rovides th e multi mon itor featu res. Her e you can enable/disable display devices and swap the assignment of Primary and Secondary displays. Connecting your graphics card to a TV or VCR Turn off your co mputer and yo ur tele vision (or V CR). Ensur e your g raphics card is installe d correc tly. Fo r in form atio n ab out plac ing the card in your com pute r an d in stalling the enh ance d gr aphics drive r, see the user's ma nual. Deter mine if your television (or VCR) has an S-Vide o or Comp osite vid eo connec tion. Look ing at the ba ck of your co mputer, locate your graphic s card. Using an S-V ideo ca ble or the sup plied adapte r cable, attach on e end of the cable to your gr aphics card and th e othe r to your television ( or VCR). See "Connecting your graphics card to a TV (or VCR)" on the following page. GV-R9000 Graphics Accelerator -20 Overlay Properties The Overlay Properties is used to adjust the Brightness / Contrast / Saturation / Hue / Gamma setting s. • Overlay Adjustments • Brightness allo ws you to adjust the brightness of the video image. • Contrast allows you to adjust the contrast in the video image. • Saturation allows you to adjust the vividness of the color. Sliding it all the way to the left removes allcolor and produces a black and white picture. • Hue allows you to adjust the pureness or tint of the red, green and blue components of the color. • Gamma allows you to adjust the over all intensity of the video ima ge. • Difaults button allows you to reset the Overla y settings to d efault valu es. English -21 - Softwa re Installation EnglishEnglish 3.2. WINDOWS 2000 DRIVER INSTALLATION Please make sure the Windows® 2000 have installed Windows® 2000 Service Pack version 2 (or later) before installing the graphics accelerator driver. With Windows® 2000 running on your computer, you need to install the GV-R9000 driver to take advantage of the higher performance, resolutions, and special graphic features of the Graphics card. To ensure you install the latest driver, use the Installation CD that shipped with your GV-R9000 graphics card. To install the GV-R9000 driver for Windows® 2000 1. Insert the INSTALLATION CD into your CD-ROM drive. If Windows® runs the CD automatically. 2. Click Start. 3. Select Run. 4. Type the following: D:\SETUP (If D is not your CD-ROM drive, substitute D with the correct drive letter.) 5. Click "OK". 6. Click on "Install D...