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This upgrade increases the size of the camera memory buffer, resulting in the following changes to the User's Manual: Continuous Mode (pg. 52) The temporary memory buffer will now hold a maximum of twenty-one shots (when image quality is set to RAW, the maximum is fourteen shots). If ON is selected for Custom Setting 36, the buffer will hold a maximum of nineteen shots, or twelve RAW images. Custom Setting 26: C-Mode Max Shots (pg. 176) The maximum number of shots that can be stored in the memory buffer in continuous mode can now be set to any number between one and twenty-one. Note, however, that no more than fourteen RAW images can be stored in the buffer, even when Custom Setting 26 is set to fifteen or higher. When ON is selected for Custom Setting 36, the maximum number of shots that can be stored in the memory buffer is nineteen, or twelve RAW images. To Users of Nikon Capture 2 Nikon Capture 2 supports the latest version of the camera firmware (version 5.00) from version 2.0.3. Those who are using Nikon Capture 2 in combination with Nikon View 4 version 4.3.1 or earlier should note that RAW images will not be properly transferred to the computer. Please upgrade to Nikon View 5 version 5.1.3. Upgrade software for Nikon Capture 2 (upgrades version 2.0.2 or earlier to version 2.0.3) and Nikon View 4 (upgrades version 4.3.1 or earlier to version 5.1.3) is available for download from the following web sites: • For users in the U.S.A.: • For users in Europe: • For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa: Nikon Capture 2 version 2.0.3 uses Exif version 2.1 when saving RAW images in JPEG (Exif format) or TIFF formats. To Users of Nikon Capture 3 Nikon Capture 3 version 3.5 supports Exif version 2.2. Software for upgrading Nikon Capture 3 version 3.0.0 to version 3.5 is scheduled to be available for download from the following sites from late November, 2002: • For users in the U.S.A.: • For users in Europe: • For users in Asia, Oceania, the Middle East, and Africa: Nikon Capture 3 version 3.0.0 uses Exif version 2.1 when saving RAW images in JPEG (Exif format) or TIFF formats. S2J02 (...