К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
PM5D/PM5D-RH Bedienungsanleitung Referenzteil 333 Anhange Eingangs- Ausgangs- Globale Funktions- Informationen Funktionen menu dem Kanal-Bibliothek Kanal-Bibliothek k In dieser Tabelle sind die Parameter aufgelistet, die in der Kanalbibliothek fur INPUT/ST-IN-, MIX-, MATRIX- und STEREO-A/B-Kanale gespeichert werden. INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX STEREO A/B LCR On/Off LCR Center-Side Ratio Fade Time On/Off Fade Time Start Offset Fade Time Fading Time Insert In On/Off Insert Point Direct Out On/ Off Direct Out Point Phase On/Off To Stereo Pan Master Balance Level Master Level Attenuator GATE On/Off GATE Key In Filter On GATE Filter Type GATE Filter Freq. GATE Filter Q GATE Type GATE Attack GATE Range GATE Hold GATE Decay GATE Threshold COMP LINK 1-8 COMP LINK A-H COMP On/Off COMP Key In Type COMP Attack COMP Release COMP Ratio COMP OutGain COMP Knee/Width COMP Threshold EQ LINK 1-8 EQ LINK A-F EQ LINK G,H EQ LINK A-F HPF On/Off EQ HPF On/Off x2 EQ HPF On/Off EQ HPF On/Off x2 HPF Freq EQ Type 1,2 EQ On/Off EQ Filter Type x2 EQ Filter Type x4 EQ Filter Type x2 EQ Filter Type x4 EQ LPF On/Off EQ LPF On/Off x2 EQ LPF On/Off EQ LPF On/Off x2 EQ Q x4 EQ Q x8 EQ Q x4 EQ Q x8 EQ Freq x4 EQ Freq x8 EQ Freq x4 EQ Freq x8 EQ Gain x4 EQ Gain x8 EQ Gain x4 EQ Gain x8 EQ Bypass x8 EQ Bypass x4 EQ Bypass x8 Delay On/Off Delay Time Surround LFE Surround Div. Surround Div.Rear Surround LR Pan Surround FR Pan Surround Div.Link INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX STEREO A/B Mute Group 1-8 On/Off DCA Group 1-8 On/Off DCA Group 7,8 On/Off DCA Group 7,8 On/Off DCA Group 7,8 On/Off To Stereo On/Off To Stereo Point Mix Send Pre Point Mix Send Post Point Mix Send Follow Pan Vari Mix Send Follow Pan Fixed Mix Send 1-24 On/Off Mix Send 1-24 Pre/Post Mix Send 1-24 Level Mix Send 1-24 Pan To Matrix On/ Off To Matrix On/ Off To Matrix Point To Matrix Point To Matrix 1-8 Level To Matrix 1-8 Level To Matrix 1-8 Pan To Matrix 1-8 Pan Selective Recall On Selective Recall Parameter PM5D/PM5D-RH Bedienungsanleitung Referenzteil Verhalten der Kanalparameter bei Paarschaltung INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX LCR On/Off LCR Center-Side Ratio Fade Time On/Off Fade Time Start Offset Fade Time Fading Time Insert In On/Off Insert Point Direct Out On/Off Direct Out Point On/Off Level Master Level GATE On/Off GATE Key In Source GATE Key In Filter On GATE Filter Type GATE Filter Freq. GATE Filter Q GATE Type GATE Attack GATE Range GATE Hold GATE Decay GATE Threshold COMP LINK 1-8 COMP LINK A-H COMP On/Off COMP Key In Source COMP Key In Type COMP Attack COMP Release COMP Ratio COMP OutGain COMP Knee/Width COMP Threshold EQ LINK 1-8 EQ LINK A-F EQ LINK G,H HPF On/Off EQ HPF On/Off x2 EQ HPF On/Off HPF Freq EQ Type 1,2 EQ On/Off EQ Filter Type x2 EQ Filter Type x4 EQ Filter Type x2 EQ LPF On/Off EQ LPF On/Off x2 EQ LPF On/Off EQ Q x4 EQ Q x8 EQ Q x4 EQ Freq x4 EQ Freq x8 EQ Freq x4 EQ Gain x4 EQ Gain x8 EQ Gain x4 EQ Bypass x8 EQ Bypass x4 Delay On/Off Surround LFE Surround Div. Surround Div.Rear Surround Div.Link Mute Group 1-8 On/Off DCA Group 1-8 On/Off DCA Group 7,8 On/Off To Stereo On/Off To Stereo Point Mix Send Pre Point Mix Send Post Point Mix Send Follow Pan Vari Mix Send Follow Pan Fixed Mix Send 1-24 On/Off Diese Tabelle listet das Verhalten der Kanalparameter auf, wenn INPUT/ST-IN-, MIX- oder MATRIX-Kanale paarig geschaltet sind. . Parameter, die bei aktivierter Paarschaltung kopiert werden INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX Mix Send 1-24 Pre/ Post Mix Send 1-24 Level To Matrix On/Off To Matrix Point Selective Recall On Selective Recall Parameter Recall Safe On Recall Safe Parameter Mute Safe On Tracking On/Off Tracking Level Solo Safe On/Off Cue/Solo On/Off CH COPY CH SELECT GLOBAL PASTE CH SELECT . Parameter, die bei aktivierter Paarschaltung eingeschaltet werden INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX Attenuator Gang Gate Stereo Link Comp Stereo Link Delay Gang . Parameter, die bei aktivierter Paarschaltung nicht modifiziert werden (zuruckgesetzt, wenn RESET BOTH ausgewahlt ist) INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX Phase To Stereo Pan Master Balance Attenuator Delay Time Surround LR Pan Surround FR Pan Mix Send 1-24 Pan To Matrix 1-8 Level To Matrix 1-8 Pan Input Pan Mode Surround Link On/Off Surround Link Pattern M-S Encode On/Off M-S Encode S-Gain . Parameter, die bei aktivierter Paarschaltung nicht modifiziert werden (nicht zuruckgesetzt, auch wenn RESET BOTH ausgewahlt ist) INPUT/ST IN MIX MATRIX Mix Type (VARI,FIX,SURR) TB On/Off OSC On/Off MONITOR DEFINE On/Off Anhange Eingangs- Ausgangs- Globale Funktions- Informationen Funktionen menu dem PM5D/PM5D-RH Bedienungsanleitung Referenzteil 335 MIDI-Datenformat MIDI-Datenformat t This section explains the format of the data that the PM5D is able to understand, send, and receive. In addition to the messages described here, you can use the MIDI REMOTE function or the MIDI EVENT settings of the SCENE function to transmit any type of command. 1 CHANNEL MESSAGE 1.1 NOTE OFF (8n) Reception These messages are echoed to MIDI OUT if [OTHER ECHO] is ON. They are received i...