К этому устройству также есть другие инструкции:
Фрагмент инструкции
Fixed a Unit Stalled Too Long condition and CSM Reset termination, caused by a second
deferred quiesce starting while a first was in progress.
Fixed an error that could result in a controller termination (termination code 0x0442011f) if
the drives become inoperable.
Fixed a controller termination (termination code 0x07130100) that occurred when adding a
disk to a disk group failed due to an invalid RAID level.
Fixed an issue that was due to an invalid drive state, causing a controller termination
(termination code 0x07510100).
Improved performance when expanding an unpresented LUN.
Fixed an issue that resulted in a timing window which could potentially allow two drives to
be failed in the same RSS (redundant storage set) causing data to become unavailable.
Implemented a faster algorithm to detect and bypass a drive failing login.
Fixed a unit-stalled-too-long error that occurred when unpresenting a virtual disk.
The controller software creates queues for different processes to serialize operations. One of
those queues was being accessed incorrectly which caused the controller software to reference
an invalid address space and terminate the controller (termination code 0x0442011F).
Upgrade and downgrade paths
For details about supported upgrade paths to XCS 6.250, see Table 3.1, Upgrade support for
controller software versions, in the HP Enterprise Virtual Array Compatibility Reference. For details
about supported downgrade paths from XCS 6.250, see Table 3.2, Downgrade support for
controller software versions, in the compatibility reference.
For upgrade instructions, see the HP EVA 4000/6000/8000 and EVA 4100/6100/8100
Updating Product Software Guide (XCS 6.250). You can download these documents from the
following website:
Under storage, click Disk Storage Systems, and then select the applicable array model under
P6000/EVA Disk Arrays.
Upgrading controllers
To upgrade from an HSV200-A or HSV210-A controller to an HSV200-B or HSV210-B controller,
HP requires that you also upgrade both I/O modules (A and B) to AD623C (I/O Module A) and
AD624C (I/O Module B) on each disk enclosure. If you are upgrading to an EVA6100 (HSV200-B)
or EVA8100 (HSV210-B) and you do not already have the 30-10022-01 loop switches installed,
you must also upgrade the loop switches to 30-10022-01. For more information on the required
components for controller model upgrades, see the HP 4100/6100/8100 Enterprise Virtual Array
Family QuickSpecs document.
For more information on storage system behavior during a firmware upgrade, see the HP EVA
4000/6000/8000 and EVA 4100/6100/8100 Updating Product Software Guide (XCS 6.250).
False EMU events reported sometimes after an upgrade from XCS 6.200
After a controller software upgrade from XCS 6.200 to 6.250, an event (063ec513) could be
reported during the first 15 minutes after the upgrade has finished. This event may also be seen
following the insertion or removal of a physical disk drive, fiber channel cable or I/O module, or
when other Fibre Channel loop events occur that can result in a directed LIP (including a controller
restart or resynchronization of one or both controllers). This event is short in duration and does not
impact host I/O. While there is no impact on the operation of the HP EVA, the logging of the event
messages results in WEBES callouts.
...Эта инструкция также подходит к моделям:
Устройства обработки данных - HP 6100 Enterprise Virtual Array (143.07 kb)
Устройства обработки данных - HP 8100 Enterprise Virtual Array (143.07 kb)
Устройства обработки данных - HP EVA4000 Starter Kit (143.07 kb)
Устройства обработки данных - HP EVA4000/6000/8000 Disk Arrays (143.07 kb)